Thursday 27 June 2013

烤雞凱撒沙拉 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (七)】 Roast Chicken Caesar Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 7 )】


On hearing the name of the wildly popular Caesar salad, the first thing that springs to mind would be it was named after the Roman commander who conquered Europe, Asia, Africa and three continents - an outstanding statesman and military strategist, the legendary hero Julius Caesar.

Sunday 23 June 2013

肉片白菜炒烏冬 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (六)】 Stir - Fried Udon with Pork and Pak Choy 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 6 )】


Like a lot of other Japanese noodle dishes, udon noodles are usually eaten cold in summer and served hot in winter.

Thursday 20 June 2013

威爾斯小鬆餅 Welsh Cakes

當我們談及吃鬆餅 scones 時,很自然地便會聯想到悠閒的日子中,與家人或朋友舒適地享受的下午茶時光。

When we talked about eating scones, we automatically imagine having a leisurely afternoon tea with friends or family in a relaxing environment.

Monday 17 June 2013

大蝦辣汁涼拌米粉【時尚雜誌邀稿 (五)】 Chilli King Prawn and Rice Vermicelli Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 5 )】


In one of my previous posts " Chicken and sesame noodle salad ", I talked about eating cold noodles in hot summer days; how many different types of cold noodle dishes there are, how convenient they can be and how delicious they all are.

Friday 14 June 2013

夏日水果拼盤【時尚雜誌邀稿 (四)】 Summer Fruit Bowl 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 4 )】


We all know that including fruit and vegetables in our diet is very important, particularly for growing children and teenagers. However, young people of that age are often not too keen on eating fresh fruit - even if it's their favourite, let alone trying out new things! 

Monday 10 June 2013

烤鮭魚伴炒胡瓜片與番茄莎莎 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (三)】 Baked Salmon with Pan-Fried Courgette and Tomato Salsa【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 3 )】


We all love salmon; for its taste as well as its nutritional value.

Saturday 8 June 2013

大蝦西柚雞尾沙拉 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (二)】 Prawn and Grapefruit Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 2 )】

我這道大蝦西柚雞尾沙拉是從 80 年代的經典作「明蝦雞尾杯」改裝過來的。

This prawn and grapefruit cocktail is adapted from the 80s classic " prawn cocktail "

Thursday 6 June 2013

雞肉芝蔴拌涼麵 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (一)】 Chicken Sesame Noodle Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 1 )】

两個月前有天我收到一封台灣 Vogue 雜誌給我的電郵。問我可不可以替她們六月展開的新. 食健主義活動設計 6 - 12 道食譜。

I received an email from Vogue Taiwan magazine a couple of months ago, asking me if I could design 6 - 12 recipes for their Health Initiative event starting in June.

Monday 3 June 2013

英式烘茶餅葡萄乾飽 English Toasted Teacakes


You may not be believe this; of all the delicious English cakes and sweet breads, the one that I never tire of having alongside my cup of tea, is the humble toasted teacake.