Monday 13 May 2024

How to make Dim Sum Cheung Fun - Steamed Rice Rolls 如何做點心腸粉

Cheung Fun (steamed rice rolls) is one of the most popular Dim Sum dishes and a well-loved, traditional breakfast choice in the Canton (Guangdong ) province in mainland China or in Hong Kong. Nowadays, you can easily enjoy them from morning till lunch everywhere from tea-house restaurants 茶樓, to hawker stalls and street food vendors to five stars hotels.


Saturday 23 March 2024

Better Than Shark Fin Soup (Vegan) 美味養生素魚翅羹

Many of us have old memories and impressions of shark fin soup, an expensive delicacy only served at special celebratory occasions in restaurants. Or the Hong Kong style Imitation Shark Fin Soup (碗仔翅), a popular street food which you could buy from street hawkers selling them around the corners from your schools or outdoor places where mobile food carts were gathered many years ago.  Now, you may find yourself - like me and my family - no longer want to eat the real thing nor possible to enjoy the counterpart version, but still would like to conjure up those feelings again. Or you would just like to indulge yourself or your family with a simple to make, but totally sumptuous, affordable, nourishing, delicious healthy soup. Then my unique vegan version “Better Than Shark Fin Soup” is just what you need! 

很多人對魚翅湯都有舊的記憶和印象。這款從前只有在特殊喜慶場合才會提供的湯羹;或是港式仿魚翅湯(碗仔翅),這是一種令人懷念的街頭食品,你可以在學校的拐角處或在美食小販聚集的流動車那裡買得到。 但現在,你或許像我和我的家人一樣,不吃真正的、也没有可能隨時享用得到模倣的版本,卻仍想再次喚起那些参加親友喜宴時的回憶和童年站在街頭吃碗仔翅的感受。 或者你只是想讓自己或家人享受一道製作容易、簡單華麗、價格實惠、營養豐富、美味健康的湯品。 那麼我獨特的純素比魚翅湯更好版本,正是你所需要的!

Sunday 18 February 2024

Vegan Radish Cake | All Year Round Delicious Dim Sim 素蘿蔔糕 | 全年美味點心


Chinese Radish cake (also known as turnip cake), or Lo Bak Go, is one of the most popular Cantonese dim sim dishes as well as a Chinese New Year favourite.


Monday 22 January 2024

(Vegan) Chinese New Year Dinner Extravaganza (純素) 新春年菜盛宴

The Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the first of the year long festivals and the beginning of the four seasons. New Year’s celebrations symbolise bidding farewell to the old year and bringing good luck and prosperity to the new one. People will prepare a sumptuous reunion dinner on New Year's Eve to welcome this most anticipated festival of the year with their families.


Monday 13 November 2023

The Ultimate Vegan Braised Beef Noodle Soup 最美味素紅燒牛肉湯麵

The world loves noodles and ramens. 

When the days get shorter and the weather gets chillier, nothing is more comforting than a steaming hot bowl of noodle soup cradled in your hands. Eagerly sipping the tasty broth and slurping down the warming noodles, they just fill you with joy and happiness instantly.


當白天變短、天氣變冷的時候,沒有什麼比手裡捧著一碗熱氣騰騰的湯麵更令人感到温暖的了。 喝著美味的湯汁,吃著滑乎乎的麵條,頓時讓你覺得無比的幸福和快樂。

Friday 22 September 2023

Crispy Noodles with Vegan Shredded Pork 素肉絲炒麵


If you go to any Hong Kong or Cantonese-style restaurant for lunch, in addition to the popular dim sum dishes the four other favourites are surely Dry-Fried Beef Ho Fun, Shredded pork with Crispy Noodles, Singapore Style Fried Vermicelli, and Yangzhou Fried rice.

如果你去一間港式 (或是粤式) 茶樓酒家吃午餐或下午茶,除了點心之外,最受歡迎的四款炒粉麵飯必是乾炒牛河、肉絲炒麵、星洲炒米和楊州炒飯了。這四款充满傳統港式風味的地道菜式 「四大天王」,伴着每一代人的成長,也是我們在吃素前,每次去茶樓必點的食品之一。

Sunday 13 August 2023

Tender & Juicy Vegan Beef Lo Mein 軟嫩多汁素牛肉撈麵

How do we use Homemade Kao Fu to make soft and succulent sliced beef?

Nothing is more satisfying than having a big bowl of slippery Lo Mein Noodles, tossed in a luscious and flavourful sauce with lots of quick fried vegetables and pan-seared, juice laden homemade vegan beef in any giving time, let alone during warm summer days and evenings.

