Friday 14 December 2012

嬌小版麵包布丁《聖誕甜點》Petite Style Bread Pudding《Christmas Desserts》


Ever since I started writing my blog in both languages, my blogger friends and some of my readers seem to have had problems getting my updates. To cut a long story short, I need to start reducing the number of photos I share with you as well as lengths of each post.

Friday 7 December 2012

紅酒燒汁伴烤牛肉《聖誕美食》Roast Beef with Red Wine Gravy 《Christmas Cooking 》


Every year around this time, a friend of ours starts sending Christmas presents to their family and friends. And then she and her husband go away on holiday ( vacation ) until after the New Year.

Saturday 1 December 2012

Thursday 22 November 2012

Wednesday 14 November 2012

迷你花生脆巧克力撻 《聖誕糕點》Mini Chocolate Tarts with Peanut Brittle 《Christmas Cooking》

我答應了一位小朋友, 說好了我會在我的部落格上做些聖誕小糕點, 好讓她和媽媽一起照著做。

I've promised a little friend of mine to make some small Christmas cakes on my blog, so she can learn to make them with her mum.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

烤脆皮豬腿肉 《聖誕美食》 Roast Pork with Crackling《Christmas Cooking》

我在英國已住上了三十一年, 身為媽媽的日子也已有二十四年了。我是在我兩個孩子出生後才正式開始學煮食的, 也是自從我大兒子吃的第一口稀粥開始, 日後他們每天的三餐, 都是我親手預備的。

I've been living in the UK for 31 years now, 24 years of which I have been a mother.  I started to learn to cook when my children were born, and from the day my eldest son took his first mouthful of solid food, I've been preparing their daily meals for them.

Friday 2 November 2012

豆角粒炒肉丁雜碎 Stir - Fried Dice Pork with Green Beans & Vegetables

自從開始寫部落格以來, 很幸運認識了很多博友, 從中也有些成為了志同道合的好朋友。

隨和、誠懇和大方的 Meiko (梅綺) 便是其中一位。她是個多才多藝, 聰明快樂的全職主婦。閒時寫網誌只是她多種嗜好之一 。

Ever since I started blogging, I've had the fortune of connecting with other bloggers, making some really good, genuine friends along the way.

Kind, sincere and generous Meiko is one of them. She is a multi-talented, intelligent and blissfully happy full-time house wife.  Writing blogs is only one of her many interests.

Saturday 27 October 2012

松露巧克力《聖誕甜點》Chocolate Truffles《Christmas Sweet Treats》

前幾天我正在計劃著我的聖誕購物單時, 接到一個電話, 是住在附近的羅老太太打來的。她說她的孫女兒安麗放期中假, 目前來探望並住在他們家; 小女孩說想來我家看狗兒 Josh, 羅老太問我可以帶她過來嗎?

As I was writing my Christmas shopping list the other day, I got a phone call from one of my neighbours Mrs R.  She said their grand-daughter Annie is visiting and is staying with them now during the half-term; the little girl has asked to come and see our dog Josh, Mrs R. asked if she can bring her over?

Monday 22 October 2012

梨子咖啡芝士蛋糕 Pear and Coffee Cheesecake


We had this Pear and coffee cheesecake as a dessert to end the three course meal I have been writing about in my last two posts.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

無皮蔬菜芝士蛋派 Crustless Vegetable Quiche


I said in the last post that I was going to share the recipes of our three course dinner with you.  Last time I  wrote about the starter, so today let's have a look at the main course: the《Crustless Vegetable Quiche》.

Friday 12 October 2012

野菌香草湯和自家製烤麵包粒 Wild Mushrooms & Herbs Soup with Homemade croutons


The autumn season has only just begun but the nature around us is already changing rapidly.  Taking a walk in the woods you can see the newly ripened brambles, conkers, rose hips, hawthorns, apples and pine cones, all beautifully hanging from the trees.  Then there are the fallen leaves magically carpeting the woodland ground, with wild mushrooms peeping out playing hide and seek everywhere.

Monday 8 October 2012

焦糖燉奶布丁 《法式甜品》 Crème Brûlée《French Style Dessert》



When eating out in a nice restaurant, we usually order a three or four course dinner or sometimes up to five or six depending on the menu.

But when entertaining at home for friends, weekend family meals or special gathering, cooking a main course with all the trimmings plus dessert is already quite enough work for a busy hostess. 

Saturday 29 September 2012

肉丸咖哩伴藏紅花飯 《 印式美食》 Kofta Curry and Saffron Rice 《 Indian Cooking》



When the weather gets colder, I love serving a pot of hot and scrumptious smelling stewed food for my family.

Be there the Chinese stew, English casserole, or the Indian curry; you can guarantee that they will go down a treat!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

法式土司《健康早餐》 French Style Toast 《Healthy Breakfast》



The rain has not stopped for a couple of days.  It was cold, wet and miserable.

So when I woke up to a bright and sunny morning the other day, I instantly felt warm and happy inside.

Friday 21 September 2012

烤雞和檸檬龍蒿葉汁 Roast Chicken with Lemon & Tarragon Sauce


Almost everybody in the UK loves a Sunday roast. A Sunday roast usually consists of one meat with at least two types of vegetables plus gravy. The meat is normally beef, lamb, pork or chicken.

Thursday 13 September 2012

綠茶香橙杯子蛋糕 Green Tea and Orange Cupcakes



Tea plays such an important role in our house.  Doesn’t matter if it’s rain or shine, summer or winter.  Whoever walks into the kitchen first thing in the morning will be the one who fills the kettle and brews a pot for the rest of the family, or for the visitors who happened to be staying with us at the time.

Saturday 8 September 2012

健康泰式咖喱《省時營養餐》 Healthy Thai Style Curry《Fast Nutritious Meals》


Almost everybody I know - family or friends - loves to eat curry. 

Monday 3 September 2012

甜酸咕嚕肉 Sweet and Sour Pork


我們從倫敦回來,兒子已回曼城。走進他房間替他收拾,便看到他兒時最心愛的三個睡伴:他出生後我們買給他的小藍毛熊,那隻耳朵是 rattle 的小笨象和別人送他,被他弄去了一隻眼晴的黃色小兔熊;排排地坐在椅上。

之前一晚他把它們從櫃內取出,拍下相片,印成小照,放進口袋內的皮筴裏。他說年紀這麼大,不好把它們帶在身邊,帶張圖片好了。我點點頭,兒子明白我的意思,他給我緊緊的一抱 ...

Our children have both graduated now, and our son has gone back to Manchester.

When we came back from London after our daughter's graduation ceremony, I went to tidy up his bedroom, and saw that three of his favourite soft toys were still on his chair.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

榨菜肉丁豆腐 《省時營養家庭菜》 Diced Pork with Preserved Vegetable & Bean Curd


Many of my readers, as well as some of my friends said that their everyday life are so hectic, they hardly have time to even cook a simple and nutritional meal for their family.

Saturday 25 August 2012

煎烤鮮魚 Pan-Fried or Grilled Fresh Fish



When our son was little, his dad took him everywhere to go fishing.  In the beginning they only went to fish in rivers or lakes, but before long they started going out to sea.  Husband suffers from sea sickness most of the time,  so he taught our son how to tie the line and attach the bait. This became our son's main task, and he was responsible for unhooking the fish too.

Friday 17 August 2012

泰式咖喱雞 Thai Style Chicken Curry


I don't know if you have these kind of feelings: sometimes when you want to eat a certain type of food, it can't be replaced by anything else.

Monday 13 August 2012

酥皮蛋撻 ( 一 ) Puff Pastry Egg Tarts ( 1 )

奧運終於在一片興高彩烈的氣氛下閉幕了。從 Danny Boyle 設計的充滿歷史與時代為背景,人性與感情,嚴肅與趣味交織的啟幕禮開始;到兩星期來的比賽,期間充滿了個別或各組織體系,每位運動員們不斷奮鬥的成績。主辦大會統籌下的團結表現、義工們的齊心協力 ......  使整個運動會充份發揮出濃厚的人情味和豐富的國際民族色彩。友誼和競爭的冲激下,每天都是緊張精彩的項目!

Saturday 4 August 2012

粟米魚柳 Fillets of Fish in Sweetcorn Sauce




Recently I have been very busy with family life and some other things.  To get me through, I remembered one of Einstein's sayings, " Three rules of work: Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Very useful philosophy.

Monday 30 July 2012

鹹花生醬碎巧克力曲奇 Salted Peanut Butter Choc Chip Cookies


The summer holiday is here again.  Time for my sister's son, coming from Hong Kong, to visit us as usual.

Monday 23 July 2012

海陸沙律 Surf and Turf Salad

最近聽世界各地的朋友們都說他們的夏天有多熱,動輒都 36 - 38 ˚ C。我記起這麼熱的經驗也只有幾年前去美國佛羅尼達州體會過。那次還差點中暑。所以我知道大家的苦處。

Recently, I've been hearing friends from all different parts of the world saying how hot this summer is where they live, with temperatures as high as 36 - 38 ˚ C. From what I can remember, I've only ever experienced weather that hot when we were in Florida a few years back.  That time, I nearly suffered a sun - stroke, so I know what everybody must be going through. 

Tuesday 17 July 2012

雞和煙肉公司沙律 Chicken & Bacon Club Salad



Before I left Hong Kong, between the few years that I finished school and came to study abroad, I worked as an assistant artist; first at the Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd, then at the Hotel Furama.

With the first job, I watched a lot of films. With the second job, I ate a lot of food.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

香濃軟巧克力蛋糕 Rich & Soft Chocolate Cake

去年十二月,從部落格的網上來往中認識了 Daisy。她開朗的性格和生動的文筆很討人喜愛;尤其是她對訪尋出色甜品的積極態度,或自己親自動手做的認真,都令人佩服。我想她替她的部落格取名 " Never too sweet ",最是貼切不過。

Monday 2 July 2012

法式蛋撻 French - Style Custard Tart


Wednesday 27 June 2012

冰鎮菠蘿椰奶雞尾酒 ( 輕盈版) Lighten Up Piña Colada

叫《 Piña Colada 》

Saturday 23 June 2012

草莓紅莓海綿蛋糕 Strawberry & Raspberry Sponge Cake

好友 S 於年多前帶著兒子們隨丈夫一起去澳洲居住。他先生忙於發展業務,她勤於理家,安頓孩子的生活和學業。

Monday 18 June 2012

迷你磨菇牛肉漢堡 Mini Beef Burger on Mushroom Muffin


Wednesday 13 June 2012

皮姆的雞尾酒 Pimm's Cocktail

每年夏天,英國會有許多 Garden parties。因為英國人很喜歡用心機和時間把家中的花園栽培得芍葯繽紛。而夏日時光最適合就是邀請親戚朋友來院中,吃午餐,開大食會,tea - party,BBQ 等等露天的大小宴會,好好享受難得的燦爛陽光和悠長的美麗黃昏。

Saturday 9 June 2012

加勒比海椰奶凍飲 Caribbean Smoothie

那兩天陽光猛熱得很。兩個孩子說好明天回來。之前一晚便買齊材料,預備做 smoothie 給他們喝。

Tuesday 5 June 2012

香煎魚柳與海邊小休 Pan Fried Cod Fillet and A Short Break by The Sea


Wednesday 16 May 2012

芒果椰汁糯米飯《 泰式甜品 》 Mango & Coconut milk Sticky Rice


Friday 11 May 2012

泰式烤雞 Thai Style Roasted Chicken


Monday 7 May 2012

芒果椰汁西米奶凍 Mango Sago Coconut Milk Pudding



Sunday 29 April 2012

芒果椰汁西米露《港式甜品》Mango Sago in Coconut Milk (Hong Kong style desserts)

最近離我們家不遠處開了間很大規模的超級市場 Morrisons。

Morrisons 在英國以營業額統計,佔最受歡迎的超市第四位。
首三位排名分別是 Tesco, Sainsbury's 和 Asda. 第五位是 Co-operative Group, 第六是 Waitrose。

Saturday 21 April 2012

Tuesday 17 April 2012

家常便飯和林中漫步 A Simple Family Meal & A Stroll in the Woods

早上起來,窗外小坡上晴空萬里。早餐時我們決定稍後會帶 Josh 去遠一點的山林散步,補祝牠四歲生日快樂。

Saturday 7 April 2012

美麗的杯子蛋糕 Beautiful Cupcakes by Amy



Tuesday 3 April 2012

自家製照燒醬烤三文魚 ( 一 ) 《 日式美食 》 Baked Salmon with Homemade Teriyaki Sauce ( 1 )



Friday 30 March 2012

涼拌韓式石頭飯 ( 韓式食品 ) A Cold Serving Bibimbap

