Monday 19 August 2013

【請假寫書 Time away to write book】

【請假寫書  Time away to write book

我親愛的朋友和讀者們,不知道在你們中有幾多位還記得這張照片?這是我【Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗】部落格成立後版頭的第一幅圖像。這相片是有一年我們去中國烏鎮旅行時拍的 。

To all my dear friends and readers,  I don't know how many of you still remember this photo? Which was the first header picture for my 【Rice Bowl Tales】blog. It was taken in an ancient town in China one year whilst we were travelling there.

Sunday 18 August 2013

馬來西亞冷當咖哩羊肉 Malaysian Lamb Rendang


Malaysian Rendang curry is one of my favoutire curries.

Monday 12 August 2013

烘圓麵包做三明治 Bake Your Own Bread Rolls to Make Sandwiches


When I was an art student, I lived with my bosses Mr and Mrs Chan and their two children in their home whilst working for them part-time.

Sunday 4 August 2013

夏日新鮮雜莓小塔 Fresh Summer Berries Tartlets

我是一個對四季都愛的人。由不同的氣候狀况、美麗的大自然變化,到音樂、食物和時裝 ... 每個季節的轉換。每年都相同卻又不一樣,熟識卻又新奇。每次仍會給我帶來讚嘆和喜悅。

I am a four seasoned person. From appreciating the different weather conditions, the changing beauty of nature, to music, food and fashion ... the changes from one season to another. Every year is the same and yet different, familiar yet refreshing. It never fails to bring me joy and surprises.