Monday 30 July 2012

鹹花生醬碎巧克力曲奇 Salted Peanut Butter Choc Chip Cookies


The summer holiday is here again.  Time for my sister's son, coming from Hong Kong, to visit us as usual.

Monday 23 July 2012

海陸沙律 Surf and Turf Salad

最近聽世界各地的朋友們都說他們的夏天有多熱,動輒都 36 - 38 ˚ C。我記起這麼熱的經驗也只有幾年前去美國佛羅尼達州體會過。那次還差點中暑。所以我知道大家的苦處。

Recently, I've been hearing friends from all different parts of the world saying how hot this summer is where they live, with temperatures as high as 36 - 38 ˚ C. From what I can remember, I've only ever experienced weather that hot when we were in Florida a few years back.  That time, I nearly suffered a sun - stroke, so I know what everybody must be going through. 

Tuesday 17 July 2012

雞和煙肉公司沙律 Chicken & Bacon Club Salad



Before I left Hong Kong, between the few years that I finished school and came to study abroad, I worked as an assistant artist; first at the Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd, then at the Hotel Furama.

With the first job, I watched a lot of films. With the second job, I ate a lot of food.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

香濃軟巧克力蛋糕 Rich & Soft Chocolate Cake

去年十二月,從部落格的網上來往中認識了 Daisy。她開朗的性格和生動的文筆很討人喜愛;尤其是她對訪尋出色甜品的積極態度,或自己親自動手做的認真,都令人佩服。我想她替她的部落格取名 " Never too sweet ",最是貼切不過。

Monday 2 July 2012

法式蛋撻 French - Style Custard Tart
