Thursday 4 August 2016

麵筋素肉清淡口味版本 Homemade Gluten Wheat Meat - Lighter Taste Version


I was invited by the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple of Manchester 

yesterday, to demonstrate how to make gluten wheat meat.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

自製麵筋素肉 Homemade Wheat Meat

在中國的烹飪特別是素菜美食中,麵筯常被用為肉類的替代物。 一直以來,麵筋和豆類製品是中國寺院的主要素食食材已有二千多年歷史。而民間不是茹素的人也喜歡吃用麵筋做的各類齋菜和小點。


In Chinese cooking, especially with vegetarian cuisine, gluten is often used as a substitute for meat. Gluten and soy products have also long been the major ingredients for the Chinese Buddhist monks and nuns’ vegetarian meals in the monastery for over 2,000 years. Even those who do not follow a vegetarian diet can still enjoy eating dishes or snacks that were made with gluten. 

I remember when I was little, whenever we went to a vegetarian restaurant or the canteen belonging to the temple with our parents, we would always have some really tasty dishes made with gluten cooked in so many delicious ways. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

花椰菜起司濃湯 Cauliflower Cheese Soup

現在一年四季都能買到花椰菜,但本地產的話,則每年的 12 月至隔年 3 月是花椰菜的最佳品嘗季節。我喜歡買回來炒,或與綠花椰一起汆燙,然後,灑上刨碎的起司放進烤箱焗至微焦。 更喜歡用它來煮湯。 
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable. It belongs to the same family as broccoli, kale, cabbage and collards. They're a particularly nutritious vegetable family, providing vital vitamins, minerals, proteins and even carbohydrates. 
Nowadays you don't have to wait for it to be in season to get your hands on it; it's available all year round. However, it's at its best from December through till March. I love using them in a stir-fry, or roasting them in the oven along with some broccoli, topped with cheddar cheese to make a lovely vegetable bake. But one of my all time favourite ways to use this versatile vegetable is in a soup.

Thursday 5 May 2016

烤番茄甜椒湯 Roasted Tomato and Red Sweet Pepper Soup



我只能引用 E. B. White 在經典兒童故事 Charlotte’s Web 中所說的:『 不常有成為你真正好朋友的人,也是一位優秀的作者。』倩如就是那位真正的朋友,她還是一位傑出的攝影師!

Sunday 17 April 2016

自製照燒醬紅燒嫩豆腐 Pan-Fried Silken Tofu cooked in Homemade Teriyaki Sauce


We love tofu, but living so far away from the nearest China town means we can’t always get it as often as we would like. Luckily local supermarkets do have those carton-packed silken tofu on the shelves all year round, they are really silky-smooth and delicate. If you handle it with care and cook it with love and attention, this super healthy and fantastically delicious dish will be something you love to cook for yourself and your family all the time.

Friday 15 April 2016

烤地中海式蔬菜和布利乳酪帕尼尼 Toasted Panini with Brie & Mediterranean Vegetables

今天,我想用昨天吃剩沙拉盒內的朝鲜蓟 artichokes 、曬乾番茄和烤甜紅椒,加些布利 Brie 乳酪來做一款地中海式蔬菜帕尼尼作我們的午餐。因為我知道這些餡料都會很厚和很大塊,我們那枱家庭式的小帕尼尼三明治機一定掩蓋不下。便決定改用一個鑄鐵長方條紋鍋代替。

Today I wanted to use up the left over artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes and roasted sweet red peppers from the Mediterranean salad box we had from yesterday, adding some Brie to make us some vegetarian panini for lunch. Because the filling would be quite chunky, I used a cast iron square griddle pan to grill the bread instead of our small domestic Panini sandwich maker. 

Friday 11 March 2016

無麵粉巧克力蛋糕 Flourless Chocolate Cake


This is a very simple and easy to make chocolate cake, but it's no ordinary chocolate cake in our hearts and minds nevertheless.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

我的第二本食譜書 My Second Cook Book

最近消息 : 

21st December 2016
我的第二本書《喝一碗醞釀節氣的好湯》是 2016 年誠品年度百大暢銷榜單 -- 香港 /健康生活第 10 名。

14th May 2016

The latest updates : 

21st December 2016
My 2nd cook book 《喝一碗醞釀節氣的好湯》
is in top 10 of Eslite Book store Hong Kong's Top 100 best-selling Health and Wellbeing 2016 book chart.

14th May 2016
My 2nd cook book 《喝一碗醞釀節氣的好湯》
is No.1 on The Hong Kong Eslite Bookstore’s 95th chart for best selling Health and Well Being books. 

Sunday 17 January 2016