Monday 13 November 2023

The Ultimate Vegan Braised Beef Noodle Soup 最美味素紅燒牛肉湯麵

The world loves noodles and ramens. 

When the days get shorter and the weather gets chillier, nothing is more comforting than a steaming hot bowl of noodle soup cradled in your hands. Eagerly sipping the tasty broth and slurping down the warming noodles, they just fill you with joy and happiness instantly.


當白天變短、天氣變冷的時候,沒有什麼比手裡捧著一碗熱氣騰騰的湯麵更令人感到温暖的了。 喝著美味的湯汁,吃著滑乎乎的麵條,頓時讓你覺得無比的幸福和快樂。

Friday 22 September 2023

Crispy Noodles with Vegan Shredded Pork 素肉絲炒麵


If you go to any Hong Kong or Cantonese-style restaurant for lunch, in addition to the popular dim sum dishes the four other favourites are surely Dry-Fried Beef Ho Fun, Shredded pork with Crispy Noodles, Singapore Style Fried Vermicelli, and Yangzhou Fried rice.

如果你去一間港式 (或是粤式) 茶樓酒家吃午餐或下午茶,除了點心之外,最受歡迎的四款炒粉麵飯必是乾炒牛河、肉絲炒麵、星洲炒米和楊州炒飯了。這四款充满傳統港式風味的地道菜式 「四大天王」,伴着每一代人的成長,也是我們在吃素前,每次去茶樓必點的食品之一。

Sunday 13 August 2023

Tender & Juicy Vegan Beef Lo Mein 軟嫩多汁素牛肉撈麵

How do we use Homemade Kao Fu to make soft and succulent sliced beef?

Nothing is more satisfying than having a big bowl of slippery Lo Mein Noodles, tossed in a luscious and flavourful sauce with lots of quick fried vegetables and pan-seared, juice laden homemade vegan beef in any giving time, let alone during warm summer days and evenings.



Wednesday 2 August 2023

The Easiest Way To Make The Best Kao Fu - Magical Vegan Meat 用最容易的方法做最完美的烤麩 - 百變素肉

Making Kao Fu is so easy and simple. Here, I’m going to share with you how easy it is to make your own Kao Fu, why you'll love to make it, and how versatile Kao Fu can be when it comes to cooking vegan cuisine. 


Wednesday 14 June 2023

How to Make Kao Fu - Magical Vegan Meat | to make Pan-Fried & Steamed Pork Bao 怎樣做烤麩 | 做素生煎包和素蒸菜肉包

How to Make Juicy Vegan Pork Bao, both pan fried and steamed with Homemade Kao Fu (烤麩)- the Magical Homemade Vegan Meat.

如何用烤麩 - 百變素肉,製作美味多汁的素生煎包和素蒸肉包呢?

Thursday 6 April 2023

Homemade Delicious Braised Gluten Puffs 最健康美味三色齋 — 自家製紅燒烤麵筋泡芙

When and where was the last time you had these soft and tender, luscious, meaty yet melt-in-the mouth, and super flavoursome Gluten Balls?

Growing up in Hong Kong, we used to buy them from street hawkers as a tasty snack, order them as a gourmet dish from vegetarian restaurants, or enjoy them as part of a delicious meal at dining halls from some of the Buddhist or Taoist temples.


在香港長大,我們非常喜愛這些三色齋。 過去常常可以從街頭小販那裡買來作小吃,在素食餐廳點來作小菜,或在很多佛教或道教寺院的食堂享用它們作為美味齋菜的一部分。

Friday 10 March 2023

The Ultimate Vegan Char Siu Recipe 最美味的素叉燒食譜

Ever since I became a vegan 7 years ago, my ultimate desire has been to recreate popular dishes and family’s favourite recipes using plant based ingredients. One of the ‘must do’ foods at the top of my list is the Vegan Char Siu. 

自從我 7 年前開始吃素以來,一直的心願就是要使用蔬食食材,把廣受歡迎的傳統食譜和家人最喜愛的美食做成素菜。而名單上「必須做」的食物之一便是純素叉燒。

Wednesday 8 February 2023

腐皮素雞素燒鴨 Bean Curd Sheet Vegan Chicken & Vegan Roast Duck

The first time I tried this delicious vegan ‘chicken’ made with tofu skin, I was a very young girl and was still living in Hong Kong. My parents had been to a temple and brought them back for us. They were made by their master - Shīfu, one of the venerables there.

第一次吃到這些用腐皮做的美味純素雞時,我還是一個非常年輕的女孩,當時尚住在香港。 我的父母是佛教徒,那天他們從寺院帶回來這些腐皮素雞,告訴我們那是由他們師父親手做的,師父是寺院裡的一位法師。

Monday 16 January 2023

黃金椒鹽豆腐 Golden Salt and Pepper Tofu

黃金椒鹽豆腐 — 新春吉祥賀年美食

Golden Salt and Pepper Tofu — Chinese New Year Good Luck Gourmet 

今年農曆新年是1 22日。 自我自己成為母親之後,每年歲末新春都會非常忙碌地用媽媽傳給我的食譜,和自己多年實踐心得,來準備許多傳統的節慶食品。

Chinese New Year falls on the 22nd January this year. I’ll be very busy cooking lots of traditional celebratory foods using recipes passed down from my mum and from my own many years of practice ever since I became a mother myself.