Saturday 29 September 2012

肉丸咖哩伴藏紅花飯 《 印式美食》 Kofta Curry and Saffron Rice 《 Indian Cooking》



When the weather gets colder, I love serving a pot of hot and scrumptious smelling stewed food for my family.

Be there the Chinese stew, English casserole, or the Indian curry; you can guarantee that they will go down a treat!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

法式土司《健康早餐》 French Style Toast 《Healthy Breakfast》



The rain has not stopped for a couple of days.  It was cold, wet and miserable.

So when I woke up to a bright and sunny morning the other day, I instantly felt warm and happy inside.

Friday 21 September 2012

烤雞和檸檬龍蒿葉汁 Roast Chicken with Lemon & Tarragon Sauce


Almost everybody in the UK loves a Sunday roast. A Sunday roast usually consists of one meat with at least two types of vegetables plus gravy. The meat is normally beef, lamb, pork or chicken.

Thursday 13 September 2012

綠茶香橙杯子蛋糕 Green Tea and Orange Cupcakes



Tea plays such an important role in our house.  Doesn’t matter if it’s rain or shine, summer or winter.  Whoever walks into the kitchen first thing in the morning will be the one who fills the kettle and brews a pot for the rest of the family, or for the visitors who happened to be staying with us at the time.

Saturday 8 September 2012

健康泰式咖喱《省時營養餐》 Healthy Thai Style Curry《Fast Nutritious Meals》


Almost everybody I know - family or friends - loves to eat curry. 

Monday 3 September 2012

甜酸咕嚕肉 Sweet and Sour Pork


我們從倫敦回來,兒子已回曼城。走進他房間替他收拾,便看到他兒時最心愛的三個睡伴:他出生後我們買給他的小藍毛熊,那隻耳朵是 rattle 的小笨象和別人送他,被他弄去了一隻眼晴的黃色小兔熊;排排地坐在椅上。

之前一晚他把它們從櫃內取出,拍下相片,印成小照,放進口袋內的皮筴裏。他說年紀這麼大,不好把它們帶在身邊,帶張圖片好了。我點點頭,兒子明白我的意思,他給我緊緊的一抱 ...

Our children have both graduated now, and our son has gone back to Manchester.

When we came back from London after our daughter's graduation ceremony, I went to tidy up his bedroom, and saw that three of his favourite soft toys were still on his chair.