Monday 31 March 2014

彩蛋杯子蛋糕(有碗家傳菜書中食譜) Easter Egg Cupcakes (Recipe from my Book Rice Bowl Tales)


The most unforgettable Easter: During the time when I was about 6 or 7 years old, the city of Hong Kong witnessed senses of disruption as the force of the 1967 demonstrations caused chaos among citizens. My parents, concerned for the safety of the family, decided to move out to the country until the worst of the action was over. They needed to return to the city for work every day, so they took my very youngest brother with them, and returned late in the evenings daily.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

有碗家傳菜新書發佈消息 Rice Bowl Tales Book Launch Details

上星期五 21/3/2014,我這本前後用了七個月的時間寫和翻譯的第一本書:
《有碗家傳菜 Rice Bowl Tales》出版了。

Wednesday 19 March 2014

牛排啤酒派 Steak and Ale Pie


My memory and taste of the first steak pie I ever ate in this country is still as clear and vivid to me as if it happened yesterday. 

Sunday 2 March 2014

烤司康餅和奶油下午茶 Scones and Cream Tea


I love baking different types of cakes for my family and friends whenever we have our afternoon tea. I've made many different types of cake over the years - some simple and straightforward, and some quite complex and time-consuming.