Thursday 25 April 2013

宮保雞丁 Kung Pao Chicken

從前在香港的時候,我們五兄弟妹都很愛吃媽媽煮的東西;但更高興去酒樓吃飯。不知是否那年代沒現在這麼多選擇,還是我父母 - 特別是我爸爸 - 太保守了不會嚐試新口味。記憶中我們每次吃的,都是同樣的菜式。我們可沒有介意或投訴;說起來我們對爸爸點的食物都喜愛得很。

Growing up in Hong Kong with my siblings; as children, we loved having dinner at Chinese restaurants. I don't know whether it was because there weren't as many choice as we have nowadays, or that our parents - especially my dad - were just too conservative to try out new dishes. For as long as I could remember we would always have the same things, not that we mined or complained. We did actually genuinely enjoyed the food that our dad ordered.

Friday 19 April 2013

黏甜好味無皮雞小腿 Sticky Tasty Skinless Chicken Drumsticks


I've heard people say the older you get, the more childish you become.

Friday 12 April 2013

鮮美水菓貝殼通粉沙拉 Fresh Fruit and Pasta Salad


We've been seeing some unseasonal weather conditions over the recent weeks; now in the middle of April, we're still wearing scarfs, hats and coats when going out! This means before we've even a chance to put away the winter clothing, the summer months are upon us.

Monday 8 April 2013

薑葱油伴白切雞 Poached Chicken served with Ginger and Spring onions in Oil


Although we live in the UK, we still follow our Chinese tradition of  "Ching Ming" and "Chung Yeung" memorial festivals for our ancestors every year; to go to my father-in-law's grave side to pay respect.

Thursday 4 April 2013

香草全籽芥末烤羊肋排 Roasted Lamb Cutlets with Fresh Herbs and Whole Grain Mustard


The Easter holiday came and went. Like most families, we spent lovely quality time with our children.