Tuesday 31 December 2013

新年快樂 Happy 2014

恭祝我摯愛的家人、所有親友、各位讀者們在 2014 年身體健康、心想事成、幸福快樂 。


Wishing my dearest family and friends, all my lovely readers a very happy, prosperous & joyous 


May the world be filled with love, peace, happiness, contentment and bliss!!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

聖誕及新年快樂 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year



Many thanks for all the love, support and encouragement you’ve given me over the last 3 years my dear readers and friends, especially during the last few months whilst I was busy writing my first book. There’s still a lot of work to be done from now till when the book is published in March next year, but I will be able to share my cooking and recipes with you more often soon, I can’t wait!!

May I take this opportunity to thank you sincerely and to wish you all a warm & lovely Christmas and a wonderful 2014!! 

Monday 2 December 2013

糖不甩 Glutinous rice flour balls with peanuts and coconuts in syrup


Most of the first draft of my manuscript, photos and recipes have sent to my editor today.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

牧羊人派 Shepherd's Pie



Mid-Autumn festival started the autumnal season. After its departure, the air has gone colder and the sky turned greyer. 

I love this time of the year. Although the temperature sometimes feels quite chilly, the familiar anticipation of the seasonal changes send warmth through my body.

Thursday 19 September 2013

中秋節快樂 Happy Mid - Autumn Festival ( Moon Festival )






Mid - Autumn Festival ( Moon Festival ) is supposedly a day for happy family reunions. But having read

some of my dear friends' writing in recent days, felt more deeply during a seasonal festival like this; they reflect the pain and trauma they're going through in their lives.

So it is at this time, I wish to offer them my most sincere encouragement, support and heart felt blessings.

I want to tell them, if we keep our love and faith close to our heart, and continue to stay strong and keep going, you will get to witness the full moon one day.

For now, let me just wish everybody good health, peace and a :

" Happy Mid - Autumn Festival! "

Sunday 8 September 2013

泰式小魚餅 Thai Style Mini Fishcakes


Having been married to my husband for thirty years, you might think that by now I would understand him very well. However, this is not the case. I have now come to the conclusion that as he is a man and I am a woman, this divergence of opinions is set to remain. I think if I was able to understand his mindset, I would do by now!

Monday 19 August 2013

【請假寫書 Time away to write book】

【請假寫書  Time away to write book

我親愛的朋友和讀者們,不知道在你們中有幾多位還記得這張照片?這是我【Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗】部落格成立後版頭的第一幅圖像。這相片是有一年我們去中國烏鎮旅行時拍的 。

To all my dear friends and readers,  I don't know how many of you still remember this photo? Which was the first header picture for my 【Rice Bowl Tales】blog. It was taken in an ancient town in China one year whilst we were travelling there.

Sunday 18 August 2013

馬來西亞冷當咖哩羊肉 Malaysian Lamb Rendang


Malaysian Rendang curry is one of my favoutire curries.

Monday 12 August 2013

烘圓麵包做三明治 Bake Your Own Bread Rolls to Make Sandwiches


When I was an art student, I lived with my bosses Mr and Mrs Chan and their two children in their home whilst working for them part-time.

Sunday 4 August 2013

夏日新鮮雜莓小塔 Fresh Summer Berries Tartlets

我是一個對四季都愛的人。由不同的氣候狀况、美麗的大自然變化,到音樂、食物和時裝 ... 每個季節的轉換。每年都相同卻又不一樣,熟識卻又新奇。每次仍會給我帶來讚嘆和喜悅。

I am a four seasoned person. From appreciating the different weather conditions, the changing beauty of nature, to music, food and fashion ... the changes from one season to another. Every year is the same and yet different, familiar yet refreshing. It never fails to bring me joy and surprises.

Thursday 25 July 2013

上湯水餃 Soup Dumplings


We Chinese love dumplings. Whether it be the Shanghai, Beijing style boiled, steamed, pan-fried; or the Guangdong, Hong Kong style soup dumplings; they are some of the most popular folk foods that we ate and grew up with.

Thursday 18 July 2013

紅豆薏米蓮子糖水 Red Beans with Coix Seeds and Lotus Seeds Sweet Soup

我們住在英國的人向來都習慣了抱怨太陽的出現不夠。每到夏天或暑假期間,大多數人都喜歡往保證有陽光海灘可以享受的隣近歐陸國家如西班牙、希臘、葡葡牙 ... 等地渡假。

For those of us who live in the UK, we all used to complain about not having enough sunshine. Therefore every summer or during holiday times, a lot of people like to travel to nearby countries like Spain, Greece, Portugal ... where there is plenty of sun, sand and sea to offer.

Thursday 27 June 2013

烤雞凱撒沙拉 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (七)】 Roast Chicken Caesar Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 7 )】


On hearing the name of the wildly popular Caesar salad, the first thing that springs to mind would be it was named after the Roman commander who conquered Europe, Asia, Africa and three continents - an outstanding statesman and military strategist, the legendary hero Julius Caesar.

Sunday 23 June 2013

肉片白菜炒烏冬 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (六)】 Stir - Fried Udon with Pork and Pak Choy 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 6 )】


Like a lot of other Japanese noodle dishes, udon noodles are usually eaten cold in summer and served hot in winter.

Thursday 20 June 2013

威爾斯小鬆餅 Welsh Cakes

當我們談及吃鬆餅 scones 時,很自然地便會聯想到悠閒的日子中,與家人或朋友舒適地享受的下午茶時光。

When we talked about eating scones, we automatically imagine having a leisurely afternoon tea with friends or family in a relaxing environment.

Monday 17 June 2013

大蝦辣汁涼拌米粉【時尚雜誌邀稿 (五)】 Chilli King Prawn and Rice Vermicelli Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 5 )】


In one of my previous posts " Chicken and sesame noodle salad ", I talked about eating cold noodles in hot summer days; how many different types of cold noodle dishes there are, how convenient they can be and how delicious they all are.

Friday 14 June 2013

夏日水果拼盤【時尚雜誌邀稿 (四)】 Summer Fruit Bowl 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 4 )】


We all know that including fruit and vegetables in our diet is very important, particularly for growing children and teenagers. However, young people of that age are often not too keen on eating fresh fruit - even if it's their favourite, let alone trying out new things! 

Saturday 8 June 2013

大蝦西柚雞尾沙拉 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (二)】 Prawn and Grapefruit Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 2 )】

我這道大蝦西柚雞尾沙拉是從 80 年代的經典作「明蝦雞尾杯」改裝過來的。

This prawn and grapefruit cocktail is adapted from the 80s classic " prawn cocktail "

Thursday 6 June 2013

雞肉芝蔴拌涼麵 【時尚雜誌邀稿 (一)】 Chicken Sesame Noodle Salad 【Recipes for Vogue magazine ( 1 )】

两個月前有天我收到一封台灣 Vogue 雜誌給我的電郵。問我可不可以替她們六月展開的新. 食健主義活動設計 6 - 12 道食譜。

I received an email from Vogue Taiwan magazine a couple of months ago, asking me if I could design 6 - 12 recipes for their Health Initiative event starting in June.

Monday 3 June 2013

英式烘茶餅葡萄乾飽 English Toasted Teacakes


You may not be believe this; of all the delicious English cakes and sweet breads, the one that I never tire of having alongside my cup of tea, is the humble toasted teacake.

Sunday 26 May 2013

香菇薑絲燴汁蒸魚 Steamed Fish in Braised Shiitake Mushrooms Sauce


In the weekly family meals that I made over the years, I would always include fish at least 3 times a week. I used the simplest  method to cook it, trying hard to retain the unspoiled freshness and flavour of the fish.

Sunday 19 May 2013

自家製營養豆腐花 Homemade Nutritious Soya Milk Jelly


When I was a child, among all the sweet things they sold in the street stalls or little pudding shops, I loved " Tofu fa" - Bean curd custard - the most.  When I grew up and started working, every time  I ate out with friends or colleagues, if the restaurants had got "Tofu fa" on the dessert menu, I would definitely choose it.  After I got married, each time we went back to Hong Kong, I usually sought out a few places which made the best version of my favourite pudding..

Monday 13 May 2013

自家製芒果酸奶冰淇淋 Homemade Mango Frozen Yogurt Ice-cream

昨天是香港和很多個國家的母親節,身居英國的我們今年在三月已慶祝了這兒的 'Mothering Sunday'。但在香港長大的我,在這一天對母親自是倍覺思念。

Yesterday was Mother's Day in Hong Kong and for a lot of other countries in the world. Here in the UK we already celebrated the Mothering Sunday in March. As I grew up in Hong Kong, this June Mother's Day means a lot more to me, and so on this day I think about and miss my mother a lot more.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

蒜蓉辣椒粉烤馬鮫魚 Roasted Mackerel with Garlic and Paprika


We've always loved eating fish and seafood. But in recent years the cultivation and farming of fish and seafood in some parts of the world have produced chemically poisoned and environmentally polluted fish and seafood. Unfortunately with personal experiences from my own family and friends, sometimes such contaminated fish or seafood can be found in bass, mussels, prawns, river cobblers etc., caused or triggered off allergy like reactions, making us violently sick and feeling ill.  

Thursday 25 April 2013

宮保雞丁 Kung Pao Chicken

從前在香港的時候,我們五兄弟妹都很愛吃媽媽煮的東西;但更高興去酒樓吃飯。不知是否那年代沒現在這麼多選擇,還是我父母 - 特別是我爸爸 - 太保守了不會嚐試新口味。記憶中我們每次吃的,都是同樣的菜式。我們可沒有介意或投訴;說起來我們對爸爸點的食物都喜愛得很。

Growing up in Hong Kong with my siblings; as children, we loved having dinner at Chinese restaurants. I don't know whether it was because there weren't as many choice as we have nowadays, or that our parents - especially my dad - were just too conservative to try out new dishes. For as long as I could remember we would always have the same things, not that we mined or complained. We did actually genuinely enjoyed the food that our dad ordered.

Friday 19 April 2013

黏甜好味無皮雞小腿 Sticky Tasty Skinless Chicken Drumsticks


I've heard people say the older you get, the more childish you become.

Friday 12 April 2013

鮮美水菓貝殼通粉沙拉 Fresh Fruit and Pasta Salad


We've been seeing some unseasonal weather conditions over the recent weeks; now in the middle of April, we're still wearing scarfs, hats and coats when going out! This means before we've even a chance to put away the winter clothing, the summer months are upon us.

Monday 8 April 2013

薑葱油伴白切雞 Poached Chicken served with Ginger and Spring onions in Oil


Although we live in the UK, we still follow our Chinese tradition of  "Ching Ming" and "Chung Yeung" memorial festivals for our ancestors every year; to go to my father-in-law's grave side to pay respect.

Thursday 4 April 2013

香草全籽芥末烤羊肋排 Roasted Lamb Cutlets with Fresh Herbs and Whole Grain Mustard


The Easter holiday came and went. Like most families, we spent lovely quality time with our children. 

Saturday 30 March 2013

新鮮帶子炒西班牙香腸 Pan-fried fresh Scallops with Chorizo


Spring weather has always been a little temperamental; rainy and cold one moment, and warm the next. This year, however, has been especially bad. Winter clung on through January and February, but I felt for sure that we would be treated to kinder weather when March arrived. Who would have thought that a huge blizzard was just around the corner! Last week, heavy snow fell steadily for few days, with temperatures falling to zero degrees. the world outside felt completely frozen; when we stepped onto the foot-high snow it was packed solid, and it felt as though the extreme cold was stubbornly refusing to leave.  

Sunday 24 March 2013

蘋果奶酥伴自家製奶蛋羹 Apple Crumble with Homemade Custard


I enjoy learning about - and tasting - the different desserts of different regions. In Hong Kong where I grew up, these favourites come in the form of after dinner sweet soups like red bean soup, sesame paste, almond paste, sweet sago cream with coconut milk, glutinous rice balls etc. The English on the other hand have their puddings, and those who have grown up with these traditional sweets have fond memories of apple crumble, bread and butter pudding, jam roly poly, spotted dick, and chocolate sponge with chocolate custard.

Friday 15 March 2013

樹莓巧克力撻 Raspberry and Chocolate Tart


Mother's Day arrived really early this year. In the UK, Mothering Sunday falls on the 4th Sunday in Lent, 3 weeks before Easter Sunday. Lent is a 40 days period in preparation for Easter.

Thursday 7 March 2013

蓮子百合腐竹雞蛋糖水 Sweet Soup of Lotus Seed, Lily Bulb and Bean Curd Sheet with Egg


We've had quite a miserable February weather-wise; but now March has stepped in the days are getting brighter and drier. Even though the chilly air is still around, at least the snow and rain have stopped.

Friday 1 March 2013

紅酒黃糖黑醋汁煎燴豬排 Pork Chops with Red Wine and Balsamic Reduction

兒女大了又離家在外生活之後,我們這些以前慣了為孩子整天忙碌的媽媽們,真的要找事情做把每天填滿; 才不會有失業或被遣散的感覺。

Our children have grown up and left, and now work away from home. For those mothers like myself whose lives have been devoted to and shaped by our kids, we now have to fill our days with a lot of " things to do", so as to avoid the feeling of unemployment or redundancy.

Saturday 23 February 2013

慈菇南乳燜豬肉 Stewed Arrow Head with Pork in Red Fermented Bean Curd


I don't know if you have this feeling or not; during the New Year or any festival holidays, I sometimes crave for food that I had in the past, or throughout my childhood. Food that my mum would often make, but I never fully appreciated.

Saturday 16 February 2013

酥皮蛋撻 ( 二 ) Puff Pastry Egg Tarts ( 2 )

It snowed and it rained on Valentine's Day, adding poetic drama to the romantic mood

自從我去年八月做了酥皮蛋撻之後,那食譜成為我 blog 內瀏覽頁數最多的一篇。陸續也有讀者電郵或留言問及用的麵粉可否轉換、烤爐溫度或接叠方法 ... 等等。

Ever since I made the 'Puff pastry egg tarts' in August last year, it has become the most-read post on my blog.  I've since received emails and messages from readers asking me questions concerning different types of flours, oven temperature, folding methods and so on.

Saturday 9 February 2013

癸巳蛇年新春食譜 Year of the Snake New Year Celebration Food

花生椰絲芝蔴蓉煎堆 Fried Sesame Balls

多謝各位讀者、網友和朋友們一直以來對 Rice Bowl Tales 和我真誠的支持和鼓勵。在此歲末除夕之際,謹衷心恭祝大家癸巳蛇年大吉大利,四季平安,身體健康!

Many thanks to all my readers and friends who have been given Rice Bowl Tales and myself their kind and sincere supports all these time.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous year of the snake 2013!

Saturday 2 February 2013

柱侯五香蓮藕糕【賀年糕點】Lotus Root Cake【Chinese New Year Celebration Cake】


Although as a family, we all like eating Chinese steamed cakes very much; whether it be the Brown cane sugar cake, the Turnip cake, Water chestnut cake or the Taro cake. In spite of this, I've never made them at any other time of year except in the weeks just before Chinese New year.  

Saturday 26 January 2013

自家製茶樓豬腸粉【賀年小吃】Homemade Rice Flour Rolls【Chinese New Year Celebration Food】


' Cheung Fun ' - literally ' rice flour roll ' is one of the most popular dim-sum in Chinese restaurants. It's also our family favourite.

Friday 18 January 2013

花生椰絲芝蔴蓉煎堆【賀年美食】Fried Sesame Seed Balls【Chinese New Year Celebration food】


Most families have their own ways and preferences when it comes to cooking traditional festival food, particularly during the celebration period of the Chinese New Year.

Thursday 3 January 2013

貴妃梨小紅莓白巧克力合桃蛋糕 Pear, Cranberry, White Chocolate and Walnut Cake

2013 年的第一篇網誌,首先要跟我所有親愛的讀者們說聲新年快樂!

First post in 2013, may I take this opportunity to wish all my dear readers a very Happy New Year!