Friday 22 September 2023

Crispy Noodles with Vegan Shredded Pork 素肉絲炒麵


If you go to any Hong Kong or Cantonese-style restaurant for lunch, in addition to the popular dim sum dishes the four other favourites are surely Dry-Fried Beef Ho Fun, Shredded pork with Crispy Noodles, Singapore Style Fried Vermicelli, and Yangzhou Fried rice.

如果你去一間港式 (或是粤式) 茶樓酒家吃午餐或下午茶,除了點心之外,最受歡迎的四款炒粉麵飯必是乾炒牛河、肉絲炒麵、星洲炒米和楊州炒飯了。這四款充满傳統港式風味的地道菜式 「四大天王」,伴着每一代人的成長,也是我們在吃素前,每次去茶樓必點的食品之一。