Saturday 26 January 2013

自家製茶樓豬腸粉【賀年小吃】Homemade Rice Flour Rolls【Chinese New Year Celebration Food】


' Cheung Fun ' - literally ' rice flour roll ' is one of the most popular dim-sum in Chinese restaurants. It's also our family favourite.


Recently our children asked if I can make them as part of our Chinese New Year feast when they come back for the festival celebrations.


I immediately started doing research and gathered information.  I remembered seeing my boss' wife, Mrs C making them while I was a student and living with their family. I also saw Mrs Chan's Vietnamese friends making a similar type of rice roll.


I tried a few different methods to make the batter which forms the rolls; before experimenting with different fillings: dried shrimps with spring onions; king prawns; and honey roasted pork. After putting a few different recipes through their paces, I came up with the recipe which produced perfectly - tasting rolls - but only when they were freshly made. In spite of their simplicity, and the fact that they aren't actually that complicated to make, these rolls still require a lot of time and attention;  especially if you're planning on making a lot. You can't really lock yourself in the kitchen just to make them for your visitors when you're supposed to be sitting and chatting with them.

為了要研究做出來的腸粉可以放在冰箱裏,第二天要吃時再蒸或用微波爐 '叮' 熱,而不失原來的水準;我試了又試。

I needed to create a type of rice roll which could be made in advance, to be reheated on the arrival of visitors either by being steamed or microwaved.

我需要做出來的粉皮夠薄但柔中帶彈性,不會脆,不會斷。於是我放棄了大家慣用的粘米粉 + 澄麵粉 + 栗粉的方程式,改用粘米粉 + 馬蹄粉 + 粟粉 + 薯粉。蒸好的粉皮,捲時十分柔靱輕易,整條腸粉可以提起來而不會折斷。新鮮吃時軟滑彈牙,重熱時依然爽滑。

The rice flour rolls have to be thin but soft and bouncy, will not be broken easily. Instead of using the normal formula of rice flour + wheat starch + corn flour; I used rice flour + water chestnut starch + potato starch + corn flour. The resulting rice rolls were so easy to roll up after steaming, and yet so soft and stretchy. Most importantly, they didn't fall apart when picked up with chopsticks. But best of all, they taste as amazing when reheated, as they do when they are eaten freshly made.


After a couple of days working to improve the recipe, and with my husband's great help in passing the valuable opinions, I was very happy with the final result of the rice flour rolls.

實在急不及待的要與大家分享!從此以後,隨時隨地,你們都可以在家自己做腸粉吃,包進甚麼餡料也行。新鮮做起吃進口時,感覺比茶樓的更美味。如預先知道有親友到訪,可在前一天把腸粉做好,放凉後用保鮮紙蓋著置冰箱內。第二天取出,可放滿一碟,用蒸籠隔水蒸十分鐘左右至熱透,或用保鮮紙蓋著整碟,放進微波爐內 5 -6 分鐘左右熱透都可。之後再用小碟子把腸粉盛開上桌,淋上自己調配的腸粉醬油,看去更加精美可愛。

I am so eager to share this with you! Think of it:  from now on, you can make rice flour rolls at home anytime; using whichever type of filling you like. If you're expecting guests you can make these a day before, just cover them with cling film and keep them in the fridge once they've cooled. When needed, just fill a plate with the rolls and either steam them for 10 minutes, or microwave them for 5 - 6 minutes. Make sure they're pipping hot before transferring them to a few small plates and to serve with homemade sweet soy sauce.


I am so excited about this. I hope you will try to do it as soon as you can, and let me see your beautiful results, I can't wait!


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me any time at all.


( 做 16 -18 條  )

  • 粘米粉 rice flour 200g
  • 馬蹄粉 water chestnut flour 50g
  • 粟粉 corn flour 50g
  • 薯粉 ( 生粉 potato flour / starch ) 50g
  • 生油 50ml
  • 鹽 10g
  • 清水 1200ml 
  • 8" x 8" 不黏底易潔烤盤 2 個
  • 連蓋大蒸籠 / 鍋 / 煲 1 個
  • 蝦米 4  湯匙,用沸水浸軟,葱段 4 湯匙切成幼薄葱花。
  • 义燒  4  湯匙切成薄片小丁方,太大的話捲時容另把粉皮弄穿。 
  • 大蝦 12 隻去壳去腸,用少許胡椒粉、鹽、糖、麻油和生粉拌勻,放在碟上蒸數分鐘至熟,瀝去水份備用。

Homemade Rice Flour Rolls【Chinese New Year Celebration Food】

Ingredients for the batter
( makes 16 - 18 rolls )
  • 200g rice flour
  • 50g water chestnut flour
  • 50g corn flour
  • 50g potato flour / starch
  • 50ml oil
  • 10g salt
  • 1200ml water
  • 2 non-stick 8" x 8" roasting tins
  • 1 large steamer or a big pan with lid
  • Soak 4 tbsp small dried shrimps in hot water until they become soft, and finely slice 4 tbsp spring onions.
  • Diced 4 tbsp honey roasted pork into thin and small pieces.
  • 12 king prawns peeled, deveined and washed. Marinated with a little salt, white pepper, sugar, sesame oil and corn flour. Put on a plate to steam for a few minutes till cooked, drain off any fluid, leave to one side.

  1. 所有材料放進大碗裏( 除清水外 ),然後水分 3 次加入與粉逐漸拌勻至滑,成稀粉漿。過篩 3 次,放在一旁靜置備用。
  2. 用大煲或蒸籠,注入約 3 吋水。把水燒開。
  3. 烤盤塗油,攪勻粉漿,用杓盛粉漿至量杯內量 100 ml 的粉漿,倒入烤盤,隨喜歡加入餡料,可用手指把粉漿推到四邊方角去填滿。
  4. 大蝦和义燒要排在一旁偏 1/3 左右的位置,好方便蒸好捲腸粉時可以包捲進去。
  5.  蓋密。有肉有蝦的粉皮水沸後放進用大火蒸 8 分鐘淨粉皮或下蔥花蝦米的只需大火蒸 7 分鐘。不能多不能少,蒸過火的粉皮會變糊。打開蓋時會看見一些漲起的小水泡,但會隨即平伏下來。 
  6. 取起盛蒸好粉皮的盤暫置一旁讓其放涼。把另一隻烤盤重覆以上 4. 5. 6. 三個步驟蒸第二張粉皮。記著每次用湯杓盛起粉漿前都要再攪勻一次。
  7. 膠刮抹少許油,小心從烤盤旁邊把蒸好稍涼的粉皮捲起,慢慢捲成腸粉,取起置在已抹了少許油的平底大碟或容器上。繼續至所有粉漿用完。期間要檢查,水低了要注進滾水。
  8. 捲义燒腸時有义燒在上的那部份皮可能會破爛,只要一隻手小心要用膠刮從底部推鏟,另一隻手輕輕扶著轉動,用沒破的粉皮包捲蓋著便成。如用較大的膠刮捲粉皮會更為方便。

  • 樽或碗內先放入 2 平湯匙糖,加入 12 湯匙沸水,拌至糖完全溶化後加入 1 湯匙熟油1 湯匙李錦記特級鮮味生抽1 湯匙李錦記特級老抽。把全部醬油糖水拌勻,便成為香甜美味的腸粉醬油。

  1.  Put all ingredients in a large bowl ( except the water ), add the water in 3 successions to mix really well with all the flour and starch until they have all dissolved and became a thin and smooth batter. Strain the batter through a sieve three times before leaving it to one side to rest, while you are getting on with rest of the procedures.
  2. Use a big pan or a steamer, fill with about 3 inches of water and bring to the boil.
  3. Lightly grease the tin; stir the batter well and ladle into measuring jug to measure 100 ml of batter to pour into the tin. Add any filling of your choice. You can use your fingers to push the batter to fill the corners.
  4. If adding king prawn or the roasted pork, place them to one side for easy rolling after.
  5. Place the tin in the steamer and put the lid on. For the batter with added king prawn or meat, steam on a high heat for 8 minutes, for the batter with the dried shrimps and spring onions, you only need to steam on a high heat for 7 minutes.  Please pay attention at all times, over steamed rice pastry will become soggy. When opening the lid, the pastry would have some large rising air pockets, but they will settle back down almost immediately.
  6. Leave the baking tin with the steamed rice flour pastry to one side, and proceed to put batter into another tin, repeating the above 4. 5. 6 steps to steam another rice flour roll pastry. Remember to stir the batter well again each time before you ladle it into the measuring jug.
  7. Lightly oil the dough cutter, carefully lift the steamed rice flour pastry up from the tin, and slowly roll it up into the shape of a rice flour roll. Carry on until all the batter have finished. Fill the pan up with boiling water again whenever it needs. 
  8. When rolling up the rice pastry with the roasted pork in it, you may find the pastry tears quite easily, just use the dough cutter gently scrape and lift it up and roll it over, helped by the other hand to quickly wrap it up, covered by the rest of the smooth pastry. Use a larger dough cutter would also help lifting the steamed rice pastry. 
Sweet soy sauce for rice flour rolls:
  • Into a jar or a bowl, dissolved 2 level tablespoon sugar with 12 tablespoon boiling water; then add 1 tablespoon heated ground nut / corn oil, stir to mix well before adding 1 tablespoon Lee Kum Kee Premium Light Soy Sauce, 2 tablespoon Lee Kum Kee Premium Dark Soy Sauce. Carry on to stir and mix everything well together to produce a sweet soy sauce for the rice flour rolls.  


There's 2 weeks before the Lunar New Year arrives, you can use this time to practice, by the time the festive celebration starts, you have already became an expert and can show off your skill then.


Please bear this in mind. I've spent a lot of time and effort to fine tune this recipe down to the finest detail. Try not to alter the ingredients or their quantities, or you won't get the perfect result you desired.


  1. When steaming, should the heat knob set in Max HIGH, MED-HIGH or MED?

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Thank you for asking this question. When steaming, use the highest heat possible, that's why you need to watch the water, don't let the pan get dried!
      I have already written this in the recipe.

  2. 我吃点心最喜欢肠粉了!一定要bookmark来下次自己做。你的酱油就是直接用甜酱油吗?还是有加其他材料?

    1. Dear Kelly,

      很多謝你的喜歡和支持!醬油是用自己調製的。匆忙中我忙了寫上,等下會馬上補回!謝謝你提醒 :)

  3. 谢谢你的分享,这个我定会试试看,因为我也喜欢吃港式肠粉!等我做了在过来告诉你。

    1. Dear Samantha,

      謝謝你,不要客氣!大多數人都用澄麵的,真找不到馬蹄粉的話用澄麵粉代替好了。只是用馬蹄粉做出來的腸粉軟硬適中,柔中帶靱,再熱時不易有糊爛的問題。希望看到你的成績 ~

  4. Thank you for the recipe. May I know if the batter need to be strained in Step 1 and how long it need to be rest before using.

    1. Dear Elena,

      Thank you so much for your question!! The batter needs to be strained 3 times. I've written that down in the Chinese recipe, but forgot to mention it in the English version, will put it back later, many thanks!
      If you make the batter first, then go to prepare all the other ingredients and get everything set up; by the time you finished all that, the batter would have had enough time to rest. You will find that the batter tend to gather and get thicken on the bottom, make sure you give it a good stirring around each time before you ladle into the measuring jug.

  5. Jane,
    我一定会试试看这个食谱的,谢谢你的分享 :)

    1. Dear Cass,

      愛吃就令我們想自己動手做,然後逐漸改良進步,多好玩!希望你會試試看 :)

  6. Wonder this will work... if bake in the oven like 400F with a water bath under it? This will quicken the 1 pan batch.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      I have never tried that, I don't know how does the amount of moisture in the big oven compares to the confined space of a pan or steamer; or is it relevant?!

  7. Well I am writing this from Scotland, first I need to go source the chestnut and potato flour ingredients.. I will love to give this a good try, especially I am having guests for the NEW YEAR EVE reunion dinner... hoping this will turn out good .. thanks so much. Will keep you inform of the outcome..

    1. Dear Dillon,

      Thank you so much for coming on board of this 'Rice flour roll' cooking journey!! Hope you'll have lots of fun making, sharing and eating them with your friends. If you're going to perform in such an important event; I trust you'll try practice making them perfect, and get everything well rehearsed before the big day... please let me know how you get on.

    2. DearJane

      SUCCESS SUCCESS... Thanks so much for your recipe. Just eating, I did not strain the batter but it still come out smooth. I have put a piece in the freeze and see if I resteam tomorrow willstill be good enough. If this work I can prepare ahead and just defrost a day in the fridge and steam it before guest arrive. You make my day, I am most thankful...

    3. Dear Dillon,

      Wow so glad to know that your rice flour rolls went well! I'm exciting to know if your freezer method goes well too. Please let me know again how you get on so I can do the same next week before my children come back.
      When you reheat the roll, keep a watchful eye and record the time, heat it through but don't over steamed it, also reheating one piece and one plateful will need different timing of course. Good luck and have fun!!

  8. Please advise if "粟粉 corn flour" = 鷹粟粉, and 薯粉 potato starch = 生粉. This is going to be a real challenge because different brand of flour absorb water differently.

    1. Dear Ela,

      I've found this from the internet, it explains everything very well.


    2. Thank you. So... it is correct that "粟粉 corn flour" = 鷹粟粉. However, it is still not clear if 薯粉 potato starch = 生粉, even though the artical indicates "生粉通常指..... 或土豆澱粉" . I checked the other recipes that you posted, you have used "生粉" for mixing 芡水. So I guess 薯粉 potato starch NOT = 生粉. I'll check the supermarket for potato starch.

    3. Dear Ela,

      It says, '生粉通常指綠豆粉、木薯粉或土豆澱粉' I think 木薯粉即是薯粉。So that means 生粉=薯粉。I don't think they sell potato starch in any western supermarket, you can buy them from Chinese supermarkets, that's where I got mine from. Just ask for 「用作打獻(勾芡)的薯粉 potato starch」便行了,應該有大小不同 sizes 的包裝。

    4. Dear Ela,

      The link below explains exactly what potato flour is, hope it helps.

  9. Jane, I am coming over!!! 有三樣料理,我不容許旁人與我分享,誰偷嚐我盤中那一口,那人絕對是我的短期拒絕往來戶,腸粉便是其一。飲茶沒嚐此道,就不算飲茶,心情也會欠佳。很久以前曾試做過一回,不算成功,這次......我來做!

    1. Dear V,

      How are you? Dying to know what are you getting up to now? Have you moved and settled down nicely in your new home? Working on your new book ... etc?! 唯一告慰的是還可以從妳拍的超美麗照片中看到妳的日子過得很有味道 ( 因為相內盡是飄逸得不像人間煙火的美食 )。好想看看你拍下自己親手做的腸粉照片 :)

  10. 原來大家都是腸粉的愛好者!!!

    腸粉最考功夫... Jane, you are officially the master!

    1. Dear Miss LK,

      原來你也是腸粉的愛好者,我們真是志同道合!!! 但我相信這世界上沒有那家人像我們那麼瘋狂!每次上茶樓,我們起碼要點四碟腸粉,帶子、大蝦、炸两、葱花蝦米 ...

      Miss LK 你見笑了。Master 我不是,但以後在家也可以弄來吃真開心!

  11. 晶透薄亮的外皮包裹新鮮食材

    1. Dear 小咪,


  12. Thank you for your kind sharing, sound really good! I shall try this out after CNY, quite busy making cookies now, hehehe..

    1. Dear Sonia,

      I can imagine how busy you must be right now. Look forward to seeing all the lovely CNY food that you're showing us :)

  13. Hello Jane,

    That's so amazing! I love 腸粉, my husband and my son too. But where we live, it's so hard to even think about it. I am so going to try to make it, your method are always easy and tasteful. Thank you so much!!!!!

    Happy early Chinese New Year to you and your families.


    1. Dear Jessie,

      It's so lovely to hear from you. I'm glad that you found my recipes useful and particularly with this 腸粉食譜. As we love them so much that I can understand how you'd feel if you could make them yourself!

      Let me know how you get on. Wishing you and your family a Happy Year of snake too!!

  14. thanks Jane, this is another wonderful article, like always....
    i love this treat, so does my hubby and my daughter! they like dim sum! but in luxembourg is almost impossible to eat this. we don't have any dim sum house here at all. we can only eat this when we are go to hong kong or toronto. so like once in many year. i really have to pick up my cooking mood again (after some hard time over the month:( ).
    indeed, reading your article cheer me up a lot!
    thanks you so much for your effort.

    1. Dear Catlux,

      How are you? I hope you're feeling a little better now.

      Cooking certainly is the most therapeutic treatment for the mind and body. And the sharing side of the aspect often brought happiness and loving feeling around us, and in turn made us happier!

      I'm also very glad that you would enjoy reading my writing and my recipes; and that have cheered me up too in this cold and miserable winter!

      Wish you and your family a healthy and prosperous year of the snake!!

  15. Hi Jane :)

    I have immediately saved this recipe! I know it might be a little out of my depth hahaha but I really do love cheung fun and I thought it'll be amazing to be able to make my own cheung fun ~ I think it'll be great to impress Ricky too hehe but I'm gonna have to practice a few times before I get it!

    Thanks so much for sharing this recipe! Hopefully I will succeed when I try and I will definitely share with you when I do eventually make them!

    1. Dear Daisy,

      Great! Another cheung fun fan hooray!! I have seen how capable and meticulous you were when you cooked meals or baked cakes; I have total confidence in you!!

      Please go and give it a try! You'll definitely make me and Ricky very happy indeed!!

  16. Jane,

    The oil 10ml is for adding to the batter, not for oiling the spatula, right?

    I think putting a cloth (same width of pan), at the pan bottom, like the Chinese restaurant, can quicken the process just by lifting the cloth for the whole piece to the cutting board. Roll it to the form in the cutting board.

    Thanks./ Raphael

    1. Dear Raphael,

      Yes, the 50ml oil is part of the ingredients which made up the batter.

      I tried the method of using a cloth too. May be because my cloth is not the same material as those used by street vendors or restaurants, I found it a lot more complicated to do it at home.

  17. 真的好厲害喔
    第二天要吃時再蒸或用微波爐 '叮' 熱

    1. Dear 蘋果米,


  18. Dear Jane,
    Thanks for the great recipe! I just tried it and the texture is superb. I just wonder if there is a specific type of oil you use? My rolls taste and smell a bit funny on its own, although with the soy sauce they are fine and cover the mild funny taste, and I understand that I am not supposed to have them without the sauces! I wonder if it is because I have use sunflower oil?
    I really look forward to a recipe of you showing fried rice rolls with XO sauce etc since your rolls are so good :)

    1. Dear Jenn,

      Do you know how pleased I am to hear your success story of 腸粉!! I am over the moon that you have made it and were happy with the result. Thank you so much for sharing that joy with me!!

      I used sunflower oil too and it tasted great even without the soy sauce, because of the slightly salty taste from the salt in the ingredients. I know that because I've tried so many rolls to find out about their texture before I pour on the soy sauce.

      May be it's the brand of the sunflower oil you used or the flour?
      Anyway, if you've taken any photos, would you mind emailing it to me or post it on my fan page so I can share it with my readers?

      It's hard to do the '炸两' as nice as you would have them freshly made from street vendors or restaurants. Because by the time we got the '油炸鬼' home and made the 腸粉,the '油炸鬼' wouldn't be as crunchy as they should be.

    2. Thanks Jane! I have not taken any photo but I will try again this time with the prawn added this weekend and then I shall send you some when I succeed :) I shall try again with other flour brands to see if it taste better. I am from the UK too and I crave cheung fun from time to makes me so happy to find a recipe that works well.

      Hope you have a great new year :)

      J x

    3. Thank you very much Jenn.

      Look forward to seeing photos of your tasty 腸粉 :) x

  19. Dear Jane, 按照你的配方做出来的肠粉软滑柔轫!比我以前做的配方好吃多了!真的很感谢!但是个人感觉马蹄粉味有点重。所以自己把马蹄粉减少一半(25G),在粘米粉处增加25G,保持总的粉量。做出来很完美!嘻嘻,特想跟你分享一下!
    祝:新年快乐! 合家安康!笑口常开!

    1. Dear Shirley,

      也祝福你闔府新歲如意吉祥,四季康樂,萬事勝意!! :)

  20. 看到也想试一试做做看,谢谢分享

  21. I love this recipe. I'm so excited to try it! I have been trying to incorporate potato starch ( is sweet potatoe or taro?) and water chestnut starch but no success. I love water chestnut starch and fresh water chestnuts. My only wish is to be able to make this with fresh rice slurry made from scented thai rice, it smells so heavenly but my rolls fall apart! Your blog is beautiful and I love your stories. It turns pages like a book on my Android too. I plan to be a big fan. Thank you so very much for making it bilingual. For people that are learning to read or maybe don't know how to spell certain things it's wonderful : D

  22. OK, I got it now. The writing on your potatoe starch package is in simplified characters! Ha ha ha! None of the packaging here in Calgary is done in revised characters. We have Traditional, French and English labeling. So it IS sweet potatoe starch, mystery solved! I'm so happy . . . I have western potatoe starch too but I got that from the Russian market. Lol! I could have ended up making something very, very strange : } Wish me luck!

  23. I made your recipe with sweet potato starch, seived 3 times to break up the water chestnut and sweet potato starch, weighed everything very carefully. Everything you said about these rolls are true! I even used my tiny 8 by 10 stickless pans and didn't need to oil them at all just let rest for a minute. So wonderful, Thank you!

    1. Dear Tailith,

      I'm so glad that you've made the rice flour rolls successfully!! And so happy that you come to tell me too, thank you very much!! I love making these for my family because they like eating them. Seeing my family and friends enjoyed the rolls with such a happy expression every time, it's precious! Hope you'll continue to have fun making and sharing these cheung fun :D

  24. Thank you so much for all your hard work in designing this recipe. You are absolutely right about the social aspect of serving this wonderful dish not to mention being able to bring them for lunch now. Yea! ! I am a little worried now tho. The recipe worked very well but my friend insists that this recipe uses regular western potato starch and not the sweet potato starch that I used. Please tell me, Is he right?

  25. Dear Tailith,

    There's a saying, If it in't broke, don't fix it.'
    So if your sweet potato starch worked for you, that's all that matters :)

  26. 我最愛的青葱包了進去…那有包過香樁嗎?這次的皮好像很厚的樣子呢,您跟我一樣愛吃的是腸粉的外皮??@@。

  27. 我買了一個櫃桶式腸粉機,腸粉一分鐘內就成,請告知你的食譜要怎麼改良, please

    1. Dear Cindy,



  28. 請問生粉是否木薯粉呢?

  29. Hi! Thanks so mch for sharing ur recipe!

    Can i know how to fix it if i feel that my rice roll is sticky? How to get a "chewy" texture and not the "粉” kind of texture? :(

    Ive followed your recipe but it seems like i didnt succeed.. :(
