Tuesday 14 June 2016

自製麵筋素肉 Homemade Wheat Meat

在中國的烹飪特別是素菜美食中,麵筯常被用為肉類的替代物。 一直以來,麵筋和豆類製品是中國寺院的主要素食食材已有二千多年歷史。而民間不是茹素的人也喜歡吃用麵筋做的各類齋菜和小點。


In Chinese cooking, especially with vegetarian cuisine, gluten is often used as a substitute for meat. Gluten and soy products have also long been the major ingredients for the Chinese Buddhist monks and nuns’ vegetarian meals in the monastery for over 2,000 years. Even those who do not follow a vegetarian diet can still enjoy eating dishes or snacks that were made with gluten. 

I remember when I was little, whenever we went to a vegetarian restaurant or the canteen belonging to the temple with our parents, we would always have some really tasty dishes made with gluten cooked in so many delicious ways.