Monday 12 January 2015

泰式炒河粉 Pad Thai

這是我 2015 年的第一篇食譜網誌,在此首先祝願各位親愛讀者新的一年健康快樂,事事如意,平安幸福,烹飪愉快。

This is my first recipe post of 2015. May I take this opportunity to wish you, my dear readers, a healthy and happy new year. May you have joy and happiness all year round. More importantly, happy cooking!


Many thanks too to all the support you've given me. This year, I'll strive to work hard to share my cooking, photography and all the little stories that happen around me with you. I hope you'll continue to visit my blog and my Facebook fan page; I truly value all the communication I have with my readers.



After all the delicious but rich festive feasts over the Christmas and New Year holidays, our stomachs were crying out for clean, bright Oriental or Asian flavours.

One evening, I was planning what to cook for a friend who was coming to visit the following day. I came across a photo my son sent me not long ago when he was cooking a pan of Pad Thai. At the time I asked him : was it delicious? He said it was okay, but did I have a recipe? He wanted to try my version in the future.



This was the inspiration I need! I cooked a big plate of Chicken Pad Thai ( my friend couldn't eat seafood ) as well as some side dishes for our lunch the next day.

My friend loved it, but that " Gourmet Expert " husband of mine said it would even be better if it was cooked with prawns rather than chicken, and also if it were less sour.



His criticism can be quite constructive, so I'm willing to accept it .... most of the time! A few days later I made a pan of King Prawn Pad Thai following his suggestions; this time he gave me two thumbs up.

Both my son and my daughter are waiting for this recipe, I thought I would share it with you as well.

泰式炒河粉  Pad Thai

( 2 人份 )

  • 3mm 濶的乾河粉 200g,用冷水浸 30 - 60 分鐘或暖水浸 10 - 15 分鐘至稍軟便行。 (不能用熱水,不然炒時很易變糊。地道的泰國炒河粉專家都用冷水,但我覺得趕時間的話,用一半沸水混合一半冷水浸的乾河粉,炒時也很軟滑適中。)
  • 2 大匙菜油
  • 大蝦 16 隻,去殻挑腸
  • 乾蝦米 2 大匙洗淨浸軟 ( 約 15 分鐘 ) 
  • 蔥 6 株,綠白分開切段
  • 蒜頭 2 瓣,剁蓉
  • 紅蔥頭 4 個,切小粒
  • 甜紅椒 1/4 個切粒
  • 紅辣椒 1 隻,去芓切絲
  • 蛋 2 隻發勻
  • 綠荳芽菜 100g
  • 去殻烤花生 2 大匙,磨碎
  • 青檸 1 隻切開
  • 莞茜少許作裝飾

( serves 2 )
  • 200g 3mm wide dried flat noodles, soaked in cold water for 30 - 60 minutes or warm water for 10 - 15 minutes till soft ( don't use boiling water, or the noodles will clump up together during frying. Although all the traditional Thai chefs only use cold water to soak the noodles, but if you're in a hurry, from my experiences, mix half boiling water and half cold water together to soak the noodle for 10 - 15 minutes,  the texture of the noodles is still perfect for frying. )
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 16 large prawns, peeled and deveined
  • 2 tbsp dried shrimps, washed and soaked for 15 minutes till soft ( optional, can get it from Chinese supermarkets )
  • 6 spring onions, white and green parts separated, cut into sections 
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 4 small red shallots, cut into small pieces
  • 1/4 sweet red pepper, diced
  • 1 red chilli, deseeded, finely sliced
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 100g beansprouts
  • 2 tbsp roasted peanuts, crushed
  • 1 lime, cut into wedges
  • coriander leaves to serve  

醬汁材料 :
  • 羅望子濃汁 ( concentrated tamarind ) 1 大匙 ( 超級市場有售 )
  • 水 3 大匙
  • 魚露 40 ml
  • 棕櫚糖或幼砂糖 30g
For the sauce :
  • 1 tbsp concentrated tamarind ( you can get them from supermarket )
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 40ml fish sauce
  • 30g palm sugar or caster sugar

做法 Method :

1.)   乾河粉浸軟瀝乾。

1.)   Soaked and soften noodles drained. 

2.)   把羅望子濃汁,水,魚露和糖在小鍋中用小火熱溶,置一旁備用。

2.)   Combine the concentrated tamarind, water, fish sauce and sugar in a small sauce pan, heat gently until the sugar dissolves, leave to one side.

3.)   平底不沾鍋燒熱下油 1/2 大匙,把大蝦兩面煎至剛轉色便拿起來放碟中備用。

3.)   Place a non-stick pan over a high heat and add 1/2 tbsp of oil. Pan-fry the prawns for a minute or so each side until they begin to colour, remove from pan and put in a plate.

4.)   原鍋燒熱再下 1 大匙油,加進白蔥段,紅蔥粒,蒜蓉,蝦米和辣椒絲一起炒香。

4.)   Add 1 tbsp oil to the pan and add the white part of spring onions, red shallots, garlic, dried shrimps and chilli and stir-fry for a few minutes until fragrant.

5.)   把河粉加入,下一半的醬汁兜炒拌勻。

5.)   Stir in the noodles and 1/2 of the tamarind sauce, mix and stir -fry well together.

6.)   大蝦回鍋,與河粉一起推至一旁,加進餘下的 1/2 大匙油,下蛋液炒開至畧熟。
6.)   Return the prawns to the pan, push everything to the side and add the rest of the 1/2 tbsp oil, add the egg, stir and scramble them as they start turning opaque.

7.)   將蛋與河粉,大蝦炒勻,加入餘下醬汁,加進綠蔥段,芽菜和甜椒粒,炒至完全均勻。盛盤,伴以烤花生碎,靑檸塊和莞茜。
7.)  Stir the egg through the noodles and add the rest of the sauce, beansprouts, green parts of spring onions and red pepper. Stir-fry until well combined, then serve with the roasted peanuts, lime wedges and corianders.

炒得成功美味的泰式炒河粉,這道菜的四種重要味道 : 甜,酸,鹹,辣份量要掌握得恰到好處。口味上當然也是各適其適,隨自己喜愛加減亦可以的。
A good Pad Thai that's cooked well, the four flavours : sweet, sour, salty and spicy need to be perfectly balanced. But because everybody's taste is different, you can adjust the sauce mix formula to suit your own.


  1. 我好愛吃河粉

    1. Dear Ivy,

      大家都愛吃河粉 !
      用來炒 Pad Thai 的河粉較幼,炒乾炒牛河的話要用粗一點的呢!

  2. 遲了一點, 我也要來說聲"新年快樂"!

    1. Dear 最愛 BBQ,


  3. 每次嚐泰式炒河粉, 我總是沈醉那甜(palm sugar)酸(lime)鹹(fish sauce)辣(chili)的協奏, 在加上磨碎烤花生的提味, 我自己可以喫掉ㄧ大盤 :)

    1. Dear Miss LK,

      對啊,Pad Thai 於我,有如海南雞飯,或馬來西咖哩,百吃不厭。Linda 經常往返東南亞,想必可以經常吃到這些地道美食 :p
