Friday 15 April 2016

烤地中海式蔬菜和布利乳酪帕尼尼 Toasted Panini with Brie & Mediterranean Vegetables

今天,我想用昨天吃剩沙拉盒內的朝鲜蓟 artichokes 、曬乾番茄和烤甜紅椒,加些布利 Brie 乳酪來做一款地中海式蔬菜帕尼尼作我們的午餐。因為我知道這些餡料都會很厚和很大塊,我們那枱家庭式的小帕尼尼三明治機一定掩蓋不下。便決定改用一個鑄鐵長方條紋鍋代替。

Today I wanted to use up the left over artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes and roasted sweet red peppers from the Mediterranean salad box we had from yesterday, adding some Brie to make us some vegetarian panini for lunch. Because the filling would be quite chunky, I used a cast iron square griddle pan to grill the bread instead of our small domestic Panini sandwich maker. 

這是我的方法:將兩個拖鞋麵包 ciabatta rolls 橫切開二,在底下那片麵包鋪上些切片的布利乳酪或切達乾酪 Cheddar ,上面加放任何你喜愛的材料,我放上了朝鲜蓟、曬乾番茄和烤甜紅椒。然後把另一半那片麵包蓋上。

用中火熱鍋,加入一大塊奶油塗勻。把兩個填了饀的麵包排放在鍋中,用平㡳鍋鏟子輕輕按壓著煎,每邊烤 5 分鐘左右至起司開始軟化了便成。趁熱享用。

Here’s how I made them: Cut two ciabatta rolls horizontally into two halves each, fill some sliced Brie or Cheddar on the bottom half of the rolls, add any topping of your liking, for mine, I put in the artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes and roasted pepper. Cover with the top halves of the rolls.

Heat the cast iron square griddle pan over medium heat, add a knob of butter and toss to coat the pan. Place both rolls in side by side, and press down slightly with a fish slice as they cook, grill about 5 minutes on each side until the cheese has started to melt. Serve the panini immediately while warm and gooey.

我在煎烘帕尼尼的同時,還在兩旁放進四小段剛煮好的玉米同煎。 烤帕尼尼、煎香奶油玉米、佐以沙拉,好一頓美味的午餐!

I’ve also added four halves of the freshly boiled corn to the buttered griddle to grill at the same times as the panini sandwiches. With some side salad, what a lovely lunch we had today!

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