Sunday 13 July 2014

去脊骨展平葡式香辣烤雞 Spatchcock Piri - Piri Chicken

不知道在其他地方居住的人,會不會像我們在英國的一樣 ; 天氣一放晴,便馬上在家中的後花園舉行燒烤。

I’m not sure if it’s the same for other people who live in different countries, but here in the UK, whenever the sun comes out, we immediately go to our back garden and get out the barbeque.


So here, on warm summer days and evenings, everywhere you go the air is full of the distinctive fragrance of burning charcoals and grilling meat.


日間無論怎麼炎熱,工作如何困累 ;  悠長舒適的黃昏是整天奔波後的慰勞。

就算是繁忙的家庭,只要大家分工合作 ; 媽媽預備各式材料,爸爸生火並開始燒烤,孩子們幫手弄沙拉、擺檯等。

一家人自娛或邀朋友鄰居參與。啜著冷飲,等一批烤好的食物上盤搶光後,爸爸趕快把另一批排放在吱吱喳喳的炭爐架上。孩子們等待新的烤肉補給期間,在旁玩戲,大人們聊天。那也是從前孩子們在家時我們夏日家庭 BBQ 的樂趣。

The summer this year has been really lovely…most of the time, and so far we’ve had beautiful weather most days. 

No matter how strongly the sun has shone during the afternoons, however, we’re rewarded at the end of the day by sweet, cool evenings.

Barbecues can be a stress-free event if everyone helps out. Our family has its own routine, refined through years of practice! I’ll prepare the ingredients; my husband will start the fire, and be in charge of cooking; and the children pitch in by making the salad or setting up the table. 

We’ve enjoyed barbecues for just the four of us, or with our family and friends there to join us. It’s a lovely way to spend a summer’s day; sipping cool drinks whilst waiting for the meat to cook, and snatching the tasty morsels away from the plate as soon as they’re ready. The children, their hunger sated, would run around playing happily whilst the adults took the time to catch up as the hot day slid into the evening. 


The other evening, after a busy day, my husband and I were tired and hungry. The sunset was soft yet still bright, and we were suddenly in the mood for a barbeque. After such a long day though, neither of us had the energy to do it! Instead, I quickly rustled up this spatchcocked piri piri chicken, served with salad and boiled new potatoes. It was the perfect meal to eat outside.



When it was ready, my husband tore the meat apart and put it on our plates. After a short while, he left his knife and fork to one side and used his hands to hold the meat to eat. Seeing how much he enjoyed eating this way, I followed him. What a fantastic way to devour a chicken! 

( 3 - 4 人份 )

  • 放養雞 1 隻 (約 1½ kg / 3lb 5 oz)
醃雞料 :
  • 紅辣椒 2 - 4 隻 粗切 ( 隨個人喜辣程度加減,如不愛辣可去籽)
  • 蒜頭 3 瓣拍扁
  • 洋蔥 1/4 個切角
  • 辣椒粉 sweet paprika 2 茶匙
  • 檸檬汁 2 湯匙
  • 莞茜 2 湯匙粗切
  • 橄欖油 2 湯匙
  • 塔巴斯科辣醬汁 Tabasco sauce 數滴或隨意
  • 海鹽和鮮磨黑椒各 2 茶匙或隨意
  • 糖 2 茶匙
另預 1 湯匙橄欖油作煎雞時用

Spatchcock Piri - Piri Chicken
( serves 3 - 4 )

1 free range chicken ( about  kg / 3lb 5 oz)
2 - 4 red chillies chopped ( according to taste, deseeded if you don't like it too hot )
3 cloves garlic crushed
1/4 onions cut into squares
2 tsp sweet paprika
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp coriander chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
A few drops of Tabasco sauce (optional)

2 tsp each of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

做法 : 

1. 要把雞展平,首先把雞的背部向上。用廚房剪刀或利刀割去雞翼尖,尾部和雞腿的末端。


1. To spatchcock the chicken, first place the chicken on a board, with the backbone is facing you. Use a pair of kitchen scissors or a kitchen knife to cut away the end of the chicken wings, the bottom and the end bit of the legs. 

2. 用剪刀從雞頸的兩旁向尾部平衡地剪下去,取出脊骨。

2. Use the scissors to cut down either side of the backbone, then take it away. 

3. 把雞翻轉,用力在胸部按下把雞胸骨壓平以按扁雞胸腔。

3. Turn the chicken over and push down firmly on the breastbone to flatten out the bird.

4. 把辣椒、蒜頭、洋蔥和芫茜置攪拌機內打至糊狀,放進碗中,將餘下的醃雞料加入拌勻。

4. Put the chillies, garlic, onions and corianders in a food processor, blend to s paste, then add in rest of the marinade, mix well.

5. 用碗中醬料把整隻雞全身裏外塗勻,蓋上保鮮膜,置冰箱內醃 1 小時以上,或過夜更好。

5. Smear over the chicken, leave to marinate for at least 1 hour or overnight if possible.

6. 預熱烤爐 220C / 425F / Gas7 。然後燒熱凸坑鑊下油 1 湯匙。

6. Pre-heat oven to 220C / 425F / Gas 7. And then heat up a griddle pan, add 1 tbsp oil.

7. 把雞連皮那邊放進按下,煎 5 分鐘,然後反轉另一面也煎 5 分鐘。

7. Place the chicken in the griddle pan, skin-side down, cook for 5 minutes then turn it over to cook the other side for 5 minutes as well.


8. 把雞取起,放在有烤架的烤盤上,置烤爐中烤 45 - 55 分鐘至熟。可用食物溫度計插進最厚的部份測量,如達到了 71C 以上便可以停火取出。也可以用刀插進腿或胸部,流出的液體是透明的便是熟了。

8. Lift the chicken onto the rack and place on top of the baking tray, put in the oven to cook a further 45 - 55 minutes until cooked through. Insert a food thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, if the temperature reaches 71C, then the chicken is cooked. Alternatively,  check by inserting a knife into the thickest part of the thigh or the breast to see if the juices run clear, if not, cook a little bit longer to ensure it's cooked through.


9. 取出趁熱上桌,隨口味伴以檸檬角、塔巴士科辣醬汁 Tabasco sauce 或灑上少許辣椒粉 sweet paprika。

9. Serve it hot with lemon wedges, Tabasco sauce or sprinkle with a little sweet paprika.


這個暑假,家中若有訪客、想在短時間內為家人朋友泡製出豐富卻簡易美味的大餐或輕食、換換口味 、或想在一個烤爐中同時烤兩隻燒雞的話 ,便一定要試做這個展平的烤雞。


With the backbone removed and the frame of the chicken opened up, the breast  meat is pressed flat. Roasting a spatchcocked chicken is much easier than roasting a chicken the traditional way, and it looks appetising and different!

If you have unexpected visitors, want to produce a quick but delicious meal for family or friends, wish to roast multiple chickens at once, or simply want to try something different, you must try this spatchcock piri-piri chicken; it is perfect for the summer! 

However, if you do decide to roast two chickens at the same time, make sure you adjust the cooking time accordingly to ensure they are both cooked thorougly.


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Samwei,


  2. Dear Jane,

    As usual, your presentation is lovely. What you said about evening being the most relaxing time of the day reminds me of a quote from "The Remains of the Day": “The evening's the best part of the day. You've done your day's work. Now you can put your feet up and enjoy it.” and the scene between Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson at the pier.

    Thank you for sharing another delicious recipe.


    1. Dear Rebecca,

      Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Kazuo Ishiguro is one of my favourite writers, I read most of his books, "The Remains of the Day" is one of them. In this post, my friends and I were discussing one of his books - A Pale view of Hills

      Enjoy talking about food, books and evening with you.
