Monday 19 September 2022

Vegan Pork Fillets Stir Fry 香菇露筍炒素肉片

Stir-Fried Vegan Pork Fillets with Asparagus and Baby Corn


Remember when we made the Vegan Sweet & Sour Pork, we only needed to use half of the dough then, and I said I’ll show you what to do with the rest of it in the next video? 

Well here it is, I used the other half of the dough to make vegan sliced pork. It’s first pan seared before being added into the asparagus, baby corn, shiitake mushrooms and carrots to make a quick and fresh stir-fry that’s packed with nutrients. It can be put together in less than 30 minutes; just boil some rice and you will have yourself a simple yet scrumptious mid-week meal. 

Alternatively, you can serve it up as an additional dish for a dinner party.



不錯,我現在就要跟大家分享怎樣用另一半麵團做成純素豬肉片,它可以在不到 30 分鐘內做好。無論在視覺、口感和滋味上都能給我們帶來意料不到的驚喜和滿足,和可以隨時摇身百變的快速創新素肉片做法。 做好的肉片,先用平底鍋煎香,然後加進炒好的蘆筍、玉米筍、香菇和胡蘿蔔中,以短短的時間便能完成一道新鮮並充滿營養的小炒菜。 只需煮一些米飯,你便可以隨時享用這麽一款簡單而美味的菜式了。


中文食譜在下面 For the Chinese recipe please scroll down)

Vegan Pork Fillets Stir Fry


A portion of raw dough (from our vegan sweet & sour pork recipe or freshly made)

250g fresh shiitake mushrooms

250g asparagus

125g baby corn

100g carrot 

Seasoning for the vegan pork:

½ tsp salt

½ tsp ground white pepper

1 tsp light soy sauce

1 tsp sesame oil

½ tsp sugar

½ tsp shiitake mushroom seasoning (or 1 tsp organic umami Yondu or Maggi liquid seasoning)

1 tbsp cooking wine

1 tsp oil

1tsp corn flour

4 tbsp plain flour

For the stir-fry:

3 slices of ginger

handful of coriander

3 ½ tbsp cooking oil

Cornstarch slurry : 1 tsp corn flour mix with 1 tsp water

1 - 2 tbsp your favourite chilli paste or chill oil (optional but totally recommend)

Stir fry seasoning:

1 tbsp cooking wine
1 tbsp vegan oyster sauce

1 tsp light soy sauce

1 tsp sesame oil
½ tsp salt

½ tsp sugar

½ tsp mushroom seasoning


  1. Bring a medium pan of water to the boil, cut the raw dough into 4 pieces and add into the water. Bring back to the boil over medium heat, then cover and simmer the dough over low heat for 5 minutes, making sure to turn the dough over frequently in order for them to be cooked all over, they will be all puffed up and will fill up the pan.
  2. Lift the dough (vegan pork) into a sieve and let cool for 10 minutes, it will now be deflated and flatten down.
  3. Rinse and cut the shiitake mushrooms, wash the asparagus, baby corn, carrots and the coriander. Break and discard the bottom part of the asparagus; slice the asparagus and baby corn diagonally. Thinly slice the carrots, dice the ginger, separate the coriander stems from the leaves and finely chop then put into separate dishes.
  4. Pat dry and press the water out from the cooled vegan pork, cut into slanted slices, put into a bowl and add all the seasoning (apart from the plain flour). Mix together. 
  5. Put the plain flour into a small deep dish, coat one piece of the vegan pork all over at a time, shake off the excess flour; and lay them out flat on a large tray, keep a little space between each piece to prevent sticking.
  6. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a flat bottom non stick pan over medium heat, add the vegan pork pieces in one by one and move them to the sides to make room as you go, add another 1 extra tbsp oil in middle of the pan when the oil has been almost adsorbed. Shake the pan a little to loosen up the pieces from base of the pan. Turn them over to cook until brown and crispy on both sides. Take time to keep turning the pieces and pressing them down a little, add 1-2 tbsp oil to toss all over, this will help to cook the floured surface properly and to achieve the golden brown appearance. Empty the cooked “pork” pieces onto a plate. 
  7. Wipe or wash the pan clean then heat ½ tbsp oil over medium heat. Add the ginger and coriander stems in to fry until fragrant. Put the carrots in to fry for a minute before adding the asparagus and baby corn into pan. A few minutes later, add the mushrooms and then the wine, as well as rest of the seasoning, to stir-fry everything together; finally stir in the pork slices and toss them very quickly to prevent the flour dissolving. 
  8. Immediately add 2 - 3 tbsp water, quickly add the slurry in just a little at a time until you’re happy with the consistency, sprinkle over the coriander leaves, turn off the heat, add 1 - 2 tbsp of your favourite chill paste or chilli oil, gently toss everything together and then transfer the stir fry from the pan onto a serving plate to prevent the heat overcooking the dish (Stir-fry is all about controlling the cooking time, the heat and the speed). Sprinkle over toasted sesame seeds before serving.
  9. Accompany the dish with some green vegetables blanched with a little oil and salt. Once cooked, drizzle the vegetables with a simple sauce made up of 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp vegan oyster sauce, 1 tsp hot water and 1 tsp sesame oil mixed together. This is the perfect finishing touch to the meal. 
  10. And there you have it! A simple, speedy and delicious stir-fried vegan pork with asparagus and baby corn dish is ready to serve!

Please note : you can always make the dough the night before, that’ll save a lot of time when you need to serve up the stir fry dish in a hurry.



生麵團一份 (從我們做素咕噜肉時留下的或新鮮做好)

新鮮香菇 250g
新鮮露筍 250g

玉米筍 125g

紅蘿蔔 100g

素肉片調味料 :
½ 小匙
白胡椒粉 ½ 小匙

½ 小匙
香菇調味粉 ½ 小匙(或 1 小匙有機鮮味 Yondu Maggi 液體調味料)

生抽 1 小匙

麻油 1 小匙

料酒 1 大匙

1 大匙

玉米粉 1 大匙

中筋麵粉 4 大匙

生薑 3


3 大匙油

玉米粉漿:1 小匙玉米粉與1 小匙水混合

小炒調味料 :

料酒 1 大匙

素蠔油 1 大匙

生抽 1 小匙

麻油 1 小匙

½ 小匙

½ 小匙

香菇調味粉 ½ 小匙

做法 :

  1. 將一半的中型湯鍋水燒開,將生麵團切成 4 塊,加入水中。 大火燒開後蓋上鍋蓋,小火慢煮 5 分鐘,要經常翻轉,讓每面都煮熟,期間麵團會漲發很大,充满整個平底鍋。
  2. 將麵團(純素豬肉)放入篩子中冷卻 10 分鐘,期間麵團會放氣並變成扁平。
  3. 香菇冲淨切塊。蘆筍、玉米筍、胡蘿蔔和香菜洗淨。 折斷並丟棄蘆筍的底部; 將蘆筍和玉米筍斜切段。 胡蘿蔔切成薄片,生薑切丁,將香菜莖與葉分開,切碎,然後放入不同的小盤子中。
  4. 用廚紙把冷卻的素肉的水份壓乾並擠出水分,切成斜片素肉,放入碗中,加入所有調味料(除了中筋麵粉)拌匀。
  5. 將中筋麵粉放入一個小深盤中,把一塊跟一塊的素肉片放進並覆蓋於麵粉中,抖掉多餘的麵粉; 逐塊平放在一個大托盤上,每塊之間留一點空間,以防粘著。
  6. 平底不粘鍋中用中火加熱 2 大匙油,將素肉塊一片接一片地放入煎,然後將它們移到兩側以騰出空間,當油幾乎全被吸收去後,在鍋中間再加 1 大匙油, 稍微搖晃一下鍋子,讓肉片從鍋底鬆開。 把它們翻過來煎,直到兩面都變成金黄酥脆。 花點時間不停地轉動肉片並稍微壓下,加入 1 - 2 湯匙油兜炒,這有助於肉片表面的麵粉均匀煎透並達到金黃色的外觀。 將煎好的的肉片放進盤子上。
  7. 平底鍋擦乾淨或洗淨,然後用中火加熱 ½ 大匙油。 下薑和香菜莖炒香。 將紅蘿蔔片放入鍋中煎炒 1 分鐘,然後把蘆筍和玉米筍放入鍋中翻炒。 幾分鐘後,加入蘑菇,然後加入酒,以及餘下的調味料,一起兜炒; 最後拌入肉片并快速翻炒以防止肉片表面的麵粉溶解。
  8. 立即加入 2 - 3 大匙水,快速地加入少許玉米漿液,直到對稠度感到滿意為止,撒下香菜拌匀,關火。加入 1 - 2 大匙你最喜歡的辣椒醬或辣椒油,攪拌一起,然後將炒菜快速盛進盤子裡,以防止熱量過度烹飪蔬菜(炒菜就是控制烹飪時間,熱量和速度)。 上菜前撒上烤芝麻。
  9. 配上一些用少許油和鹽焯過的綠色蔬菜。 汆燙後,在蔬菜上淋上由 1 大匙生抽、1 大匙素蠔油、1 大匙熱水和 1 小匙麻油混合而成的簡單醬汁。 便是這頓飯的最佳配搭。

就這樣! 一道簡單、快捷又美味的素豬肉配蘆筍和玉米筍小炒就可以上桌了!

請注意 :


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