Monday 16 January 2023

黃金椒鹽豆腐 Golden Salt and Pepper Tofu

黃金椒鹽豆腐 — 新春吉祥賀年美食

Golden Salt and Pepper Tofu — Chinese New Year Good Luck Gourmet 

今年農曆新年是1 22日。 自我自己成為母親之後,每年歲末新春都會非常忙碌地用媽媽傳給我的食譜,和自己多年實踐心得,來準備許多傳統的節慶食品。

Chinese New Year falls on the 22nd January this year. I’ll be very busy cooking lots of traditional celebratory foods using recipes passed down from my mum and from my own many years of practice ever since I became a mother myself. 

過年前後,心內也總想著要怎樣與大家分享這些美食食譜。我只希望盡我所能,去幫助一些吃蔬食或想減少吃肉的朋友,在家仍可以烹煮一桌精彩的團圓盛宴。 為什麼因為吃素就要錯過節日期間的所有懷舊美味?

在這裡,我要與大家分享的第一道賀年菜式;無論是素食者還是肉食者,都非常喜愛的 —— 黄金鹽胡椒豆腐。

這次我們用的是嫩豆腐,將它們煎炸成金磚塊狀,以獲得外脆内嫩的口感。 這道菜的顏色和名字是金色的,象徵著新的一年將會帶來的財富和繁榮。

( For the English recipe, please scroll down )

黃金椒鹽豆腐 — 新春吉祥賀年美食


嫩豆腐 400g 

三色燈籠椒各 ½

紅辣椒 ½



中筋麵粉 3 大匙

玉米粉 3 大匙

1 小匙

白胡椒粉 1 小匙

1 小匙

五香粉 ½ 小匙

天然蘑菇調味粉 1 小匙


椒鹽調味料 :


2 大匙

白胡椒粉 1 大匙

花椒粉 1 大匙

1 大匙

天然蘑菇調味料 1 小匙

五香粉 ½ 小匙

乾辣椒籽 2 大匙


  1. 將豆腐瀝乾並輕輕沖洗。 將乾淨的大廚布把豆腐包起來,不用壓。 靜置 30 分鐘。 
  2. 將三色燈籠椒切成小方塊。 將紅辣椒切成兩半,去籽然後切成薄片。
  3. 將豆腐外層粉料混合在碗中。
  4. 把鹽和胡椒調味料放入小瓶子中,擰緊蓋子,搖晃均勻。
  5. 取去包著豆腐的茶巾和廚房捲紙,將豆腐放在上下兩層乾燥的廚房捲紙之間,以吸收殘留的水分。 將豆腐塊切成約 1 x 2 吋的長方形,每個長方形都像一塊小磚。
  6. 在湯鍋中加入大約半吋的油,用小火在爐上熱著,以便在豆腐表面裹上粉後可以立即煎炸。
  7. 在托盤上撒上一些麵粉。將每塊豆腐放入豆腐外層粉料的碗中,滾動並轉動以覆蓋整塊豆腐。 然後放在托盤上,繼續直至完成替每塊豆腐裹上粉。你可以再給所有的豆腐塊再裹一層粉,以確保它們都被調味料覆蓋好。
  8. 檢查油的溫度,確保它在 150 度攝氏左右(不要比這個溫度高,否則你的豆腐會燒焦,如果超過了,可離火一會放凉少許)。 小心地將豆腐一塊一塊地放入鍋中,並輕輕移動每一塊,以免它們粘在一起。
  9. 將油溫保持在中火之間,但要在豆腐塊周圍產生一點氣泡。 如果氣泡變得太快,將熱量調低一點,如果沒有氣泡,將熱量調高一點,直到達到需要的效果。
  10. 待豆腐片一面微微金黃後,翻面煎另一面,不停翻動,調火,直到所有豆腐片四周都呈微金黃色。 如果你看到任何一塊豆腐的外面粉層膨脹太多或開始脫落,請小心退後並降低油温,因為這是溫度過高的跡象。 如果油溫太高,豆腐裡面的水分會膨脹爆出來。 當水進入沸騰的油中時,會引起濺射或輕微爆炸。
  11. 一旦所有豆腐塊都酥脆金黃,將它們撈起放在鋼篩上瀝乾,然後轉置到一個鋪有廚房紙的盤子裡吸油。
  12. 熱鍋,中火加少許油,下辣椒炒香,加入切好的三色燈籠椒炒至焦黃。 加入 1 大匙椒鹽調味料,繼續用小火一起炒一會。 將吸了油的豆腐放入鍋中,兜炒攪拌,直到豆腐均勻地沾上香辣的椒鹽味。 取起一塊椒丁試味,看看是否需要加入多些的椒鹽調味料。
  13. 將豆腐放在盤子裡,在上面放上炒好的椒粒,然後根據自己的喜愛用香菜或切幼的蔥絲裝飾。
提示 :
  • 我只用了 400g 的豆腐,可以隨需要使用整包 600g 的份量,只須相應地增加調味料便行。
  • 因為我們是佛教徒,我們不吃蔥、蒜、韭菜、大蔥、洋葱這五辛。 喜歡蒜香豆腐的朋友可以先用油炸一下蒜茸,注意不要把蒜茸炸焦,待蒜茸熟透略呈金黃色後,用漏勺舀出,放在一邊待上桌前撒在豆腐上。用蒜油煎炸豆腐,你就會吃到酒樓風味的椒鹽豆腐了。

更多新春賀年食譜和影片 :



Golden Salt and Pepper Tofu — 
Chinese New Year Good Luck Gourmet 

Ingredients :

400g medium firm tofu

½ red bell pepper, ½ yellow bell pepper and ½ green bell pepper 

½ red chilli

Oil for frying and stir-frying

Coating for the tofu :

3 tbsp plain flour

3 tbsp corn flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp ground white pepper

1 tsp sugar

½ tsp five spice powder

1 tsp natural mushroom seasoning 

(can be substituted with crumbled organic vegetable stock cube, or garlic powder; onion powder)  

Salt and Pepper seasoning :

( make and keep this in a jar and use it when you need it next time) :

2 tbsp salt

1 tbsp ground white pepper

1 tbsp ground Sichuan pepper 

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp natural mushroom seasoning

½ tsp five spice powder

2 tbsp dried chilli flakes

Method :

  1. Drain and gently rinse the tofu. Put a large clean kitchen/tea towel on your work surface, then place two pieces of kitchen roll on top of the tea towel. Place the tofu on the kitchen roll and cover with another two pieces of kitchen roll. Wrap up the tofu, there is no need to press it. Leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut the mixed peppers into small dices. Cut the chilli in half, remove the seeds, and slice finely.
  3. Mix the tofu coating ingredients together in a bowl.
  4. Put the salt and pepper seasoning in a jar and screw the lid tightly on, shake to mix and combine evenly.
  5. Remove the tea towel and kitchen roll from the tofu, sandwich the tofu between two layers of dry kitchen roll on the top and bottom to absorb any remaining moisture. Cut the blocks of tofu up into 1 inch x 2 inch rectangular shapes each resembling a small brick.
  6. Add about half an inch of oil in a stock pot and keep on a low heat to be ready to fry the tofu as soon as you have finished coating them.
  7. Sprinkle a tray with some flour, dip each piece tofu in the bowl of the seasoned flour coating, roll and turn to cover the whole piece. Place it on the tray and keep going until you have finished coating each piece. You can go back to give all the pieces a second coating to ensure they are all well covered in the flavouring.
  8. Check the temperature of the oil to ensure it is around 150C (no hotter than this or else your tofu will burn. If it has become hotter, remove from the heat for a while and let it cool a little). Carefully add in your tofu to the pot piece by piece, and gently move each one around to avoid them sticking. 
  9. Keep the temperature on a medium heat, but maintain a little bubbling around the tofu pieces. If the bubbles become too rapid, turn the heat down a little and if it doesn’t give out bubbles, turn the heat up a little, until the desired effects have been achieved.
  10. Once the tofu pieces have turned slightly golden on one side, turn them over to fry the other side, keep turning and adjusting the heat, until all the tofu pieces are a slightly golden colour all round. Take care to stand back and lower the heat if you can see any coating of the tofu have inflated too much or the coating has started to break off, this is an indication of the temperature being too hot. If the temperature of the oil is too high, the water inside the tofu will expand and burst out. When water enters the boiling oil, it will cause a splutter or a minor explosion.
  11. Once all the tofu pieces are crispy and golden all round, drain them on a wire sieve then transfer to a plate covered with kitchen paper to absorb the oil.
  12. Warm a frying pan over medium heat with a little oil, add the chilli to fry until fragrant, add the diced mixed peppers and fry until browned. Add 1 tbsp salt and pepper seasoning and continue to fry everything together for a little while over low heat. Lower the fried tofu into the pan, stir and toss everything around until the tofu are evenly coated with the salt and pepper flavour. Taste the pepper pieces to see if you would like to add more salt and pepper seasoning.
  13. Arrange the tofu on a plate, top with the mixed peppers and garnish with coriander or finely chopped spring onions to your liking.
Tips :

  • I only used 400g tofu, but feel free to use the whole pack of 600g whilst increasing the seasoning accordingly. 
  • Because we are Buddhist, we don't eat the five pungent vegetables: onions, garlic, chives, green onions and leeks . If you like garlic flavor tofu, use the shallow fry oil to fry the minced garlic first, but watch don’t burnt the garlic, scoop them out with a slotted spoon when they are all cooked through and slightly golden, leave them to one side to sprinkle and serve with the tofu, use the oil to fry the tofu with and you will have the restaurant style salt and pepper tofu.

More Chinese New Year foods recipes & videos : 

Vegan Sweet & Sour Pork

Vegan Pan-Fried Stuffed Three Treasures
Vegan Treasure Nest
Vegan No Pork Belly
Vegan Wonton Noodle Soup
Vegan Dan Dan Noodles
Vegan Coconut Milk, Pumpkin & Taro Stew

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