Monday 13 November 2023

The Ultimate Vegan Braised Beef Noodle Soup 最美味素紅燒牛肉湯麵

The world loves noodles and ramens. 

When the days get shorter and the weather gets chillier, nothing is more comforting than a steaming hot bowl of noodle soup cradled in your hands. Eagerly sipping the tasty broth and slurping down the warming noodles, they just fill you with joy and happiness instantly.


當白天變短、天氣變冷的時候,沒有什麼比手裡捧著一碗熱氣騰騰的湯麵更令人感到温暖的了。 喝著美味的湯汁,吃著滑乎乎的麵條,頓時讓你覺得無比的幸福和快樂。

( for the Chinese translation please scroll down


So I adapted the traditional Hong Kong style soft and tender, luscious, meaty yet melt-in-the mouth Fried Gluten Balls into a more versatile and healthier version - our very own baked gluten puffs.

We can turn these little baked puffs into all sort of delicious stewed vegan meat. Pork, Beef and Chicken substitutes can be created and cooked in various ways to accompany all your delicious noodles and ramens - the sky is your limit! 

We have many recipes of how to make the most scrumptious and satisfying noodle soup and ramen - with our variation of irresistible and magical homemade vegan meat. The broth and the “meat” is the heart and soul of the dish, but they’re so simple to master, and once you have the vegan meat made in advance and stored in the freezer, you can then easily cook up some of the most authentically tasting noodle soup or ramen to enjoy by yourself or with friends and family.

So let’s share with you how to make one of the easiest and most flavourful of these recipes - ‘The Best Vegan Braised Beef Noodles’.

We used the whole batch of baked puffs (18 pieces) to make a big pot of braised beef. Half of this we enjoyed in our soup noodles. When the other half had cooled we covered and stored the rest of the stew in the fridge, where they will keep for up to 4 days for another meal. You can simply heat them up to serve with noodles again, or have it with rice, whichever you prefer.

I forgot to include the Chu Hou sauce in the video, which is the soul of this braising sauce.


( for the Chinese translation please scroll down


The Ultimate Vegan Braised Beef Noodle Soup


( serves 4 )

1 batch (18 pieces) vegan baked puffs (👈 link to the recipe)

1 medium size Chinese white radish (about 500 -650g)

1 pack bak choy

2-4 king oyster mushrooms

250g fresh shiitake mushrooms

300g dried ramen noodles

1 red chilli

Large bunch coriander

For the braising sauce:

1-2 thumb sized piece of ginger

2 star anise

2 red chilli

½ tsp salt

½ tsp ground white pepper

½ tsp natural mushroom seasoning

½ tsp five spice powder

2 tbsp Shaoxing or cooking wine

20-25g brown sugar

2 tbsp vegan oyster sauce

1 tsp light soy sauce

3 tbsp dark soy sauce

1 tbsp sesame oil

2 tbsp Chu Hou paste (can be replaced with miso)

1000ml water

(If using miso instead of the Chu Hou paste, the seasoning needs to be adjusted slightly).

For the noodle broth:

4 slice ginger

2 tbsp vegan oyster sauce

1 tbsp Shaoxing wine or white wine

1 tsp salt

½ tsp ground white pepper

⅛ tsp five spice powder

2 tsp sugar

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tsp natural mushroom seasoning

2000 ml water


1  Make the baked puffs  (👈 link to the recipe) if you haven’t already baked them ( I always keep a box of pre-made ones in the freezer, defrosted in fridge overnight before use).

2  Peel the white radish, cut into sections, then cut each section into quarters.

3  Prepare your other ingredients: slice the king oyster mushrooms. Remove the stems from the shiitake mushrooms. Wash the star anise. Thinly slice the ginger. De-seed and finely slice 1 chilli for the garnish, and thickly slice 2 chillis for the braising sauce. Separate the coriander leaves and stems, and cut them both finely. Cut the bak choy in half or in quarters as you wish and wash them clean. 

4  Mix the ingredient for the braising sauce, minus the water, in a measuring jug. Separately, in a stock pan, add the ingredients for the noodle broth seasoning and mix with the water. Leave both aside ready to use later.

5  Heat a casserole pan over medium heat with 2 tbsp oil. Add the ginger and star anise, frying till slightly brown and fragrant. Add the 2 thickly sliced chillis, frying until they are slightly charred. Add the radish and cook until the edges are a little golden before adding in the braising sauce mixture plus the water. Stir well, bring to a boil, cover and let it simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. 

6  Bring the noodle broth in the stock pan to a boil, then turn to simmer over low heat for 10 minutes before adding the shiitake mushrooms, and continue to simmer over low heat. When the radishes have been stewing for 20 minutes, add the baked puffs and king oyster mushrooms. Stir and bring to a boil, cover and continue to cook for a further 10 minutes. 

7  Whilst both the stew and the broth are simmering, bring half of a pan of water to boil. Add a little salt and 1tbsp oil, and blanch the bak choy quickly. Drain and set to one side. Top up the pan with more boiling water and cook the noodles according to packet instructions. Meanwhile, stir the coriander stems in the stew. Keep the stew and the broth on the low heat until the noodles have finished cooking. Then stir the coriander leaves in the stews just before serving.

8  Assemble the soup noodle bowl. Divide the noodles into bowls, and then ladle over the hot, delicious broth. Arrange the bak choy, and the braised ‘beef’, radish and mushrooms on top, adding some of the braising sauce over the finished noodle soup to add an extra layer of flavour. Serve the noodle soup with additional coriander leaves, plus your favourite chilli sauce or vinegar, the ultimate combination.

9  Keep the rest of the braised beef stew in the fridge for another meal once cooled.

湯麵和拉麵都是我們最喜歡的食物,我們非常愛吃也經常吃。 自從我持素以後,我的理想之一就是要創造一種純素肉,讓它可以和蔬菜、料酒、醬料和湯汁等一起在爐子上慢慢的燉煮。 讓清香、温熱、或濃郁、辛辣、撲鼻的香氣在廚房的空氣中洋溢飄流,那是我最想達成的心願。


我們可以把這些小烤麵筋塊變成各種美味的素燉肉。成為豬肉、牛肉或雞肉替代品,然後用各種調味方式製作和烹飪,以搭配所有美味的麵條湯和拉麵 - 創意無限!

我們有許多如何製作最美味、最令人食指大動的湯麵和拉麵食譜 - 配上我們各種令人難以抗拒的自製純素肉。 每道湯和每款「肉」的美味及口感是每款麵的重心和靈魂。但其實都非常容易掌握,假如你預先把素肉做好並儲存在冰箱或冷凍庫裡,便可以隨時輕鬆地烹飪各款富傳統美味的湯麵或拉麵,既可以自己享用,也能盡情地款待親友和家人。

在此,先與大家分享這款簡單易做、卻最好吃的 ——「最美味素紅燒牛肉湯麵」。

在這食譜中,我們用整批烤麵筋泡芙(18個)做了一大鍋紅燒牛肉。 其中的一半配搭這道湯麵。 待另一半冷卻後,蓋進保鮮盒放在冰箱中,可保存 4 天之內以供另一餐享用。 到需要時只需簡單地將它們加熱,與麵條一起吃,或配搭米飯,隨心所欲。



( 4 人份 )

烤麵筋泡芙 1 份(18 )(食譜連結在說明框中)

中等大小的白蘿蔔 1 個(約 500 - 650g

白菜 1

杏鮑菇 2 - 4

新鮮香菇 250g

乾拉麵 300g

紅辣椒 1

香菜 1 大束


1-2 塊,拇指大小

八角 2

紅辣椒 2

½ 小匙

白胡椒粉 ½ 小匙

天然蘑菇調味料 ½ 小匙

五香粉 ½ 小匙

紹興酒或料酒 2 大匙

紅糖 20-25g

素蠔油  2 大匙

生抽 1 小匙

黑醬油 3 大匙

芝麻油 1 大匙

2 湯匙 柱侯醬(可用味噌代替)





素蠔油 2 大匙

紹興酒或白酒 1 大匙

1 小匙

白胡椒粉 ½ 小匙


2 小匙

芝麻油 1 大匙

天然蘑菇調味料 1 小匙




2 將白蘿蔔去皮,切成段,然後將每段切成四份。

準備其他材料:將杏鮑菇切片。 去掉香菇的莖。 將八角洗淨。 把生薑切成薄片。 1 支辣椒去籽並切成薄片作為裝飾,將 2 支辣椒切成厚片在燉菜時用。 把香菜葉和莖分開,然後切細。 將每顆白菜切成兩半或四分之一随個人喜愛,然後清洗乾淨。

將滷汁調味料(除了水)放入量杯中混合成燉醬汁。 另外,在一個湯鍋中加入麵湯調味料並與水混合成麵湯。放在一旁備用。

以中火加熱砂鍋,加入 2 大匙油。 下薑片和八角,炒至微棕色並散發出香味。 下切厚片的辣椒,炒至稍微焦香。 加入蘿蔔,拌炒至邊緣呈金黃色,然後加入燉醬汁和水, 攪拌均勻,煮沸,蓋上鍋蓋,小火煮20分鐘。

將湯鍋中的麵湯以中火煮沸,加入香菇,繼續小火燉煮。蘿蔔燜煮 20 分鐘後,加入烤麵筋泡芙和杏鮑菇,攪拌並煮沸,蓋上蓋子繼續煮 10 分鐘。

當紅燒菜肉煲和麵湯都在小火燉煮時,將半鍋水煮沸,加入少許鹽和 1 大匙油,把白菜放入快速汆燙至水面剛沸騰便撈起, 瀝乾並放在盤子上備用。 在鍋中注入更多沸水,然後按照包裝說明煮麵。 同時,將香菜莖放入燉菜中攪拌。 將燉菜和肉湯保持在小火上,直到麵條煮熟。然後在上菜前將香菜葉放入燉菜中拌勻。

組裝湯麵碗。 將麵條分入碗中,然後淋上美味和熱騰騰的麵湯。 把白菜、紅燒牛肉、蘿蔔杏、鲍菇和香菇排上,在完成的麵條湯上杓加一些紅燒牛肉滷汁,以增添額外的美味。 把加上香菜葉的紅燒牛肉湯麵佐以你最喜歡的辣椒醬或醋一起享用,完美之極!


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