Monday 3 September 2012

甜酸咕嚕肉 Sweet and Sour Pork


我們從倫敦回來,兒子已回曼城。走進他房間替他收拾,便看到他兒時最心愛的三個睡伴:他出生後我們買給他的小藍毛熊,那隻耳朵是 rattle 的小笨象和別人送他,被他弄去了一隻眼晴的黃色小兔熊;排排地坐在椅上。

之前一晚他把它們從櫃內取出,拍下相片,印成小照,放進口袋內的皮筴裏。他說年紀這麼大,不好把它們帶在身邊,帶張圖片好了。我點點頭,兒子明白我的意思,他給我緊緊的一抱 ...

Our children have both graduated now, and our son has gone back to Manchester.

When we came back from London after our daughter's graduation ceremony, I went to tidy up his bedroom, and saw that three of his favourite soft toys were still on his chair.

He'd got them out of the cupboard the night before; his first little blue bear; a small yellow rabbit with one eye missing;  and a big elephant with a rattle ear - all sitting side by side.  He took a picture of them to put inside his wallet, saying he wanted to take it with him to keep him company。I nod, my son understood, he gave me a big hug ...


也是這個月,這個季節。年青爸媽的我倆,挽著幼年兒女的小手,帶他們上學去 ...

Daughter and I went to do shopping for food to make dinner.  The early autumn air was slightly chilly and fresh, the morning sun shining but not very warm.  It felt exactly the same as the morning 19 years ago when we took her to start the  first day of nursery.

The same month, same season.  As young parents, our little children in our hands, taking them to school ...  


再過兩星期,女兒回倫敦後,誰會這麼體貼地記著;我在甚麼時候,愛喝那樣的茶 ...

After dinner, daughter tidied up the dishes.  As I sat by the window, a warm cup of tea was gently put into my hands.

Two weeks from now, after she has gone back to London, who will be so attentive, knowing when I drink which type of tea ...


The other day, I made sweet and sour pork for our lunch, my husband and the children's favourite.


I also steamed a fish.


Served with some vegetables.


Made a quick broth with Squash, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, ginger and pork.  They seemed to enjoy the meal very much, even though it was just a few simple dishes.


The Sweet and sour pork recipe that I promised to write is now finished.  I've been so busy in the last few days,  sorry if I've kept you waiting.

( 4 人份 )

  • 1 吋左右厚度的梅頭豬肉  4 小件切成 1吋 x 吋半方塊
  • 雞蛋 2 隻打勻,
  • 生粉 1 大碗
  • 洋葱半隻切角
  • 薑指頭般大去皮切片
  • 蒜頭 2 粒剁茸
  • 青椒、紅椒各半隻切角
  • 菠蘿角2 湯匙
  • 白醋 6 湯匙
  • 水 12 湯匙 
  • HP sauce ( OK sauce, brown sauce ) 4 湯匙
  • 茄醬 Tomato ketchup 4 湯匙
  • 糖 6 湯匙 ( 隨個人愛甜口味加減 )
  • 生粉水作勾芡用
  • 向日葵瓜子油 1 公升瓶裝
  • 鹽、糖 各1 茶匙
  • 生抽 ( 醬油 )  2 茶匙
  • 胡椒粉半茶匙
  • 麻油 2 茶匙
  • 酒 2 茶匙
  • 生粉 1 湯匙
  • 4 one inch thick pork shoulder steak, cut into 1" x 1 1/2 " square pieces
  • 2 eggs beaten up, 1 big bowl cornflour
  • 1/2 onion, cut into small squares
  • 1 thump size ginger peeled and sliced
  • 2 clove garlic minced
  • 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 red pepper cut into small squares
  • 2 tablespoon pineapple chunks
  • 6 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 12 tablespoon water
  • 4 tablespoon HP ( OK )sauce
  • 4 tablespoon Tomato ketchup
  • 5 - 6 tablespoon sugar 
  • Cornflour and water for thicken the sauce
  • Sun flower seed oil for frying  
  • 1 teaspoon salt, sugar each
  • 2 teaspoon light soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper
  • 2 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 tablespoon cornflour  


  1. 將切了角的梅頭肉用醃料拌勻醃半小時。生油倒進煲內,預熱油煲。
  2. 將雞蛋倒進醃肉內拌勻,再傾進生粉。每塊肉丁撲上生粉後取起排開備用。
  3. 油沸後轉中火,把已撲生粉的肉塊分兩次落鑊,每份用中火炸至略為脆硬,撈起,再把其餘 1 份炸完。
  4. 再燒滾油,把炸好的肉塊再分兩次下煲重炸,每份炸至略呈金黃後用鋪了厨紙的碟承起備用。

Sweet and sour pork
  1. Place the pork in marinade for 30 minutes.  Pre- heat the oil in a large sauce pan. 
  2. Mix the meat with the beaten egg, pour in the cornflour.  Making sure each piece meat is covered in cornflour.
  3. Turn oil to medium heat after it's boiled.  Fry the pork in two batches, fry till the meat have gone slightly crunchy, take them out.  Finish frying the other half portion of meat.
  4. Heat up the oil again, put the deep fried pork back in the sauce pan, fry each half of the batch again until golden brown. Take them out onto 2 plates lined with kitchen paper to absore the oil.

  1. 鍋 ( 因為甜酸汁是酸性,最好用不銹鋼鍋 ) 燒紅,下油 2 湯匙,先下洋葱和薑爆香;再下蒜蓉,改中火爆香後,加入青紅椒炒香。離火用筷子夾起青紅椒備用。
  2. 下水進鍋,大火燒沸。加入醋、HP sauce 、茄醬和糖,煮滾後過篩倒進另一隻鍋去。下菠蘿塊,青紅椒,再沸後將芡水逐少倒入勾芡至稀稠適度。
  3. 把炸好的咕嚕肉落鍋兜炒至收汁,即可上碟。
Sweet and sour sauce
  1. Heat up a frying pan, add 2 tablespoon oil, fry the onion till soft, add the ginger; follow by minced garlic, change to medium heat after a couple of minute. take the pan away from heat, pick up the peppers and leave them to one side.
  2. Add water in pan, bring to boil.  Add vinegar, HP sauce, Ketchup, heat up then strain through a sieve into another pan.  Put the pineapples back, add the peppers.  Bring the sauce back to boil, then thicken with the cornflour and water mixture.
  3. Put the deep fried pork into the sauce, stir fry them until the sauce reduced, then is ready to serve.

  • 用過的油只須用乾淨的密篩過瀘餘渣後,倒進乾淨的瓶子裏蓋密,用來炒餸煮菜便行。
How to deal with the used frying oil
  • Strain the oil through a clean mesh sieve into a clean jug, pour into a clean dry bottle when cool, and cover tightly, the oil can be used again for cooking. 


This is one of the most popular dishes in a Chinese restaurant.  Since almost everyone in your family would love it, why not make it at home?  So when you have your friends over for dinner, you can show off  your skill by serving a plate of these super delicious sweet and sour pork!


  1. 糖醋的甜酸滋味最下飯了

    1. Dear 小咪,


  2. Hello Jane :)
    It must be hard for you to see your kids grow up so quickly, time seriously flies...even I still feel like a child...but I'm actually an adult now and living in Melbourne by myself >_< it's hard not being around my family all the time.
    Will you go and visit your children much in London and Manchester?

    Ohhh sweet and sour pork YUM! Once again have to send this recipe to Ricky hehe

    1. Dear Daisy,

      It is very hard to believe that our kids have already grown up and flying the nest! Thinking back, we returned here, the town where I was a student 23 years ago when our son was 1 year old, built our own house, gave birth to my daughter within a year, and have been settling down here ever since ... but everything still seem like yesterday!!
      It must be hard for you, I can totally understand and sympathize! Luckily you can go back all the time and they come see you often, most importantly, you have Ricky!

      Oh yes, most definitely! Either they'll come back or we'll go to them, they can't get rid of us haha!!

    2. Forgot to say, Ricky is very lucky to have you too, l love the way how you two love, look after and protect each other :)

  3. Hi, thanks for your sharings ^^ what is HL sauce ya? if i dun have, what can i replace? thanks ~~ from: shing

  4. Sorry i mean HP sauce ^^

    1. Dear Shing,

      No problem, glad you like it. HP sauce is like OK sauce, same as Brown sauce.
      similar to 京都骨或牛式牛柳的汁呢。If you don't have any of the above, you can use Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce 李派林喼汁.

  5. 其实,我都识煮你餐台上面啲菜,点解睇起来你既好食好多既?

    1. Dear 非一凡,



  6. Your children must be very happy eating your delicious home-cooked dish... especially when these are cooked with lots of love :D

    1. Dear Zoe,

      Thank you! You would understand, you cook for your children all the time :)
      There's nothing like a home-cooked meal, I still miss my mum's cooking even after all these years ~ so hopefully my kids will miss mine too :p

  7. 很喜欢看你写的文章

    1. Dear YY,


  8. Sometimes I do miss having more than 2 persons in the household, when I eat alone or even with my other half I definitely don't cook so many dishes at once. Sweet and sour pork might be 'bastardised' Chinese but I love it all the same! Very appetizing. Miss it actually.

    1. Dear Kelly,

      You are such a multi-talented young lady! I don't know how you can manage to do so many things at the same time! All the lovely food you cooked and made were so delicious, I can imagine if you have children, the dinner table in your house will always be covered with lovely home-cooked food.

  9. 大姐姐Jane。。。

    1. Dear 莎莎,

      很多謝你欣賞我家的玫瑰哩 :)

  10. sweet and sour pork is my daughter aiko favorite chinese dish, every time i ask her guess what i am going to cook for her, she will say sweet & sour pork??? sure will try out your recipe.....thanks for sharing....

    1. Dear Catlux,

      Haha really?! Guess what, that's exactly the same at our house! Whenever I asked my children before they came home, what would they like to have for dinner, sweet and sour pork would always be one of the dishes on their list!
      You're very welcome, hope your daughter will like it :)

  11. This is a classic Chinese dish, every Chinese family also know how to cook this..But i seldom cook this, maybe due to my husband dont like dishes with tomato ketchup..Look at your dish, i feel so hungry and also love the rest of your dishes and soup, all sound so yummy. You are a great cook!

    1. Dear Sonia,

      Same here, because although it's very tasty, but I don't normally cook a lot of deep fried food. My husband and my kids asked for them all the same!! So I only make them on special occasions, like birthdays, farewells, 過年過節或朋友到訪。
      You're a wonderful mother and a fantastic cook, the food you make for your family are amazing!!

  12. Dear Jane

    Really enjoy reading your blog :D I'm learning to cook for myself as I'm also a fresh graduate.
    Sweet and sour pork is one of my favourite dishes ar! My mom usually cooks it when she has a day off :)

    1. Dear Lunaqua,

      Thank you so much for letting me know that you like my blog! I love it when young people expressing interest in learning to cook, as I have always encourage my children to cook ever since they were little. May be you can show me some photos of the food you cooked sometimes?!

  13. 谢谢你的回复。你真的很用心。真的非常非常谢谢你。。谢谢你的分享,让我对生活,期待你的文章~~~fr: wanshing

  14. Dear Jane, Congrats! You must be proud parents! 咕嚕肉酸酸甜甜的, 很下飯! 多年前來美唸書的第一封家書, 還跟媽媽提到很想念她的糖醋魚. 之後回台探親, 媽媽都會做這道菜, 但我始終還是學不來.

    1. Dear V,

      Thank you very much! 看見你偶爾的芳踪也高興一番,希望你身邊一切事情和你倆的生活都無恙而安好!

  15. 嗨!有碗话碗,我今天在超市看到有HP sauce,马上买下来了。这样就能做出和你的原味原汁的咕噜肉~~HP sauce除了能煮咕噜肉,还有什么菜式能用呢?谢谢**

    1. HI,

      HP sauce 是英國很多家庭桌上不可少的佐醬和調味料,像番茄醬和沙拉醬。他們用來塗上早餐的煙肉、香腸、蛋 ... 等等。吃三文治和甚麼東西也可以放下去的,吃牛排或吃 BBQ 烤出來的肉等等,也可作醃料用。
      至於中式料理,可以用來調京都汁、中式牛柳汁、OK sauce, 糖醋汁如甜酸汁等等,可作很多食譜的配汁之一用。

  16. 谢谢您的回复啊~~~ from:Shing

  17. Hi Jane,

    Can I deep fry the pork for the first time and put them in the fridge, then re-fry them for the second time on the next day? Because that will save me some time in the kitchen when my guests arrive. Thanks for your help and always provide good recipes for us.


    1. Dear Amanda,

      I've never done that before, but I can't see it being a problem at all. I think you can just leave it completely air cooled with a sieve cover on top and put in an air tight container to keep in the fridge overnight; let me know how you get on, good luck :)

  18. Thanks, Jane. I will let you know whether this is a good idea or not.

  19. Hello Jane,
    This recipe looks delicious, will try it this week.
    I love the glass noodle, cabbage with deep fried Ha Mai..(sorry, don't know what "Ha Mai" call in English..:p..)...can you give a brief recipe for this?

    Love your picture, makes food looks Yum.

    Amanda P

    1. Dear Amanda,

      Thank you very much!!
      Ok, this is easy.
      1. you use a large bowl to put the glass noodle in, cover with boiling
      water and let it soak; use sissors to cut them up and chopsticks to lose them every now and again. Then wash the dried shrimps and shred the cabbage by cutting them into strips.
      2. Heat pan and add oil, turn medium heat, fried the dried shrimps and some minced garlics and gingers till soft; then add the cabbages and turn the heat up. Let the cabbages be cooked on high heat on one side for a while before you stir them around, the slightly burned smell and taste of cabbages are amazing.
      3. Seasoned with salt, sesame oil, ground white pepper, some sugar and oyster sauce; when the cabbages are half cooked, drained the glass noodles and add into the pan, with some shredded spring onions if prefer, stir fry everything until cooked, check to see if needs to add any more flavour, then is ready to serve.
      Good luck and have fun!! ~

  20. what is hp or OK sauce? is there a substitute for it?

    1. Dear Stitchlesslilo28,

      They are a type of brown sauce, You can buy HP sauce or Brown sauce from any western supermarket, they're very commonly sold. If you still couldn't find them, you can use Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce.
