Saturday 27 October 2012

松露巧克力《聖誕甜點》Chocolate Truffles《Christmas Sweet Treats》

前幾天我正在計劃著我的聖誕購物單時, 接到一個電話, 是住在附近的羅老太太打來的。她說她的孫女兒安麗放期中假, 目前來探望並住在他們家; 小女孩說想來我家看狗兒 Josh, 羅老太問我可以帶她過來嗎?

As I was writing my Christmas shopping list the other day, I got a phone call from one of my neighbours Mrs R.  She said their grand-daughter Annie is visiting and is staying with them now during the half-term; the little girl has asked to come and see our dog Josh, Mrs R. asked if she can bring her over?

自從安麗的父母離異後, 上次她來探我, 距今已有一年了。我不時都會想念她。

掛上電話後, 我便開始安排等會她來時我們應做些甚麼事情。

反正我在打算做松露巧克力, 心想不如和安麗一起做好了, 還可以讓她帶些回去給媽媽。

I haven't seen Annie since her visit a year ago after her parents split up, and have thought of her often.

After hanging up the phone, I was thinking about what we should do when she gets here.

As I was going to make chocolate truffles,  I thought why don't we make them together, and she can take some back to her mum as well.

小安麗長得高了點和瘦了點, 像比以前沉默了些。

Annie has grown taller and thinner, perhaps a little quieter .

但當我們把松露巧克力做好, 排放在碟上; 我點亮了洋燭和扯了幼絲帶時, 看到她的小臉蛋發亮得有如小天使。

她開心得用力拍掌地呼叫: 「這不像你自己的巧克力糖果店嗎? 太好玩了!」

But as soon as we finished making the truffles, and started to put them on trays; I lit up the candles and pulled the ribbons, and her little face brighten up like a little angel.

She clapped her hands and cried out happily, " It's like having your own chocolate sweet shop, how fun is that?"

我告訴小安麗她也可以回家和媽媽一起做, 聖誕節期間還可以幫媽媽佈置起來招呼朋友; 她聽後非常開心。

我們一起把資料寫下, 我又跟她講解清楚各個步驟。她問我可不可以再給她幾個蛋糕食譜好讓她聖誕時做。我對她說由現在到聖誕期間我都會做很多應節食品; 叫她去我 blog 處找自己喜歡的便行, 因為我現在同時用中英文書寫, 她可以看得明的。

I told her she can make them at home with her mum too, and can help her to set it up at Christmas for visitors.  She was very happy.

We wrote down the recipe together and were going through what she has to do; she asked if I can give her some more recipes for cakes to make at Christmas.  I told her to check on my blog, as I write it in both Chinese and English now so she can read them and finds what she wants from there; I will be posting quite a lot of Christmas food recipes from now on.


我知道這主意真是最好不過!  因為最清楚烹飪可以給煮食者和他們身邊的人帶來的樂趣和幸福。

我告訴安麗, 媽媽永遠是世上最棒的烹飪老師; 如果媽媽忙和沒空時, 她可以隨時給我電話、電郵或短詢。

She smiled at me and said she would like to learn how to cook.

I know it would be a brilliant idea for her!  Knowing how much joy and happiness cooking can bring to people and those around them.

I told Annie, her mummy is always the best cooking teacher in the world; but when mum's busy, she can ring, email or text me anytime.

Chocolate Truffles《Christmas Sweet Treats》

  • 半脂肪的雙忌廉 127ml / 4 1/2 floz ( half fat double cream eg Elmlea),  當然用 full fat 的 double cream 也可以
  • 黑巧克力 255g / 9 oz, 剁碎
  • 喜歡的烈酒 2 湯匙
  • 可可粉 2 湯匙
  • 用完即棄飲食業用手套一對
  • 127 ml / 4 1/2 fl oz half fat double cream ( eg Elmlea )
  • 255g / 9 oz plain chocolate, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp liqueur of your choice
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 pair disposable catering gloves


1.  將忌廉置小煲上用小火煮至剛沸便熄火移開, 把巧克力碎塊加進拌至完全融化.  加入烈酒拌
 將巧克力混合物刮進碟內用保鮮紙蓋著, 放冰箱( 雪櫃 fridge ) 內 15 分鐘至略為硬化.

2.  可可粉置小碟上, 穿上手套, 並在手套雙掌面抹上可可粉. 用茶匙取起一塊巧克力混合物, 快
     手按搓成小球狀, 然後放進心愛的甜料去翻滾裹密, 輕輕掉進小紙杯上便成.

Method :

1.   Place the cream in a small saucepan, bring just to the boil then remove from the heat.  Stir the chocolate
      into the cream until melted.  Stir in the liqueur and transfer to a bowl, covered with cling film and chill in
      the fridge for about 15 minutes until quite firm.

2.   Put the cocoa powder onto a small plate, put on the gloves.  Dust the palms of your gloves with the 
      cocoa, take a teaspoon of the chocolate mixture and roll into a small ball, then roll in the sweet coatings
      of your choice. Place them gently on the little paper cups to serve.

做好的松露巧克力用容器封密, 可在冰箱內存放一星期以內.


The truffles will last up to a week in the fridge if being kept in covered container.

They make a wonderful sweet treat for tea or coffee at tea-time or after dinner during the festive season.


  1. 哇!很好吃的巧克力, 我也来试试做给朋友。。thanks for sharing.

    1. Dear Mayck,

      謝謝你!! 是很好吃很容易做的, 特別是現在未到聖誕前大家還沒吃厭巧克力之前 :)

  2. Hello Jane :) Sorry for not dropping by your blog the past week ~ I have gone traveling and just got back!

    That's so sweet of you to make these chocolate truffles with Annie, I think when parents divorce and go their separate ways, it really affects them more than they realise. It would be great if Annie could make these chocolate truffles again with her mum or any of your amazing cake recipes :D

    Oh oh oh you're already writing up a Christmas shopping list?! Its my first time celebrating Christmas here in Melbourne with Mr Bao I'm a bit nervous...we need to buy our first Christmas tree and roast our first Turkey HAHAHA Can you please post a turkey recipe? xox

    1. Dear Daisy,

      Hope you're feeling better soon. So good of Mr Bao to have made chicken soup for you! When you're ill, only chicken soup will do ;p

      Annie ... I would like to see her carry on having faith in life, love and relationships ... and most importantly, feeling confidence in herself. And since she has expressed interest in learning to bake and cook (from an even younger age), what better to encourage her to excel at an outstanding level? That way, she always will have something to enjoy and share, sharing is the best way of a heeling process ...

      Yes, you know me, I'll be posting a lot of Christmas food recipes, and roast turkey will be one of them :) xox

  3. Jane大姐~~

    1. Dear 莎莎,

      你對 Annie 的關心, 代她多謝你 :)
      我對聖誕節的感受特別濃厚, 可能是因為在這寒冷的季節, 很需要溫暖的感覺!

  4. 繽紛亮麗的聖誕氛圍

    1. Dear 小咪,


  5. 一颗颗松露巧克力在点点烛光的承托之下,是如此的迷人,恨不得马上迎接甜蜜蜜的圣诞咯!

    1. Dear 小魚,

      很高興見到你來! 希望你已健康無恙, 一切安好!
      多謝你! 小魚也熱愛聖誕節嗎? 讓我們一起興高彩烈地迎接它的來臨 :)

  6. Dear Jane:

    I've subscribed your blog for a while, and this is my first time leaving a message. :)

    One of my colleagues is leaving work next Saturday, so I'm thinking making chocolate truffles for her. Of course the idea comes from you blog! I love the decoration and the atmosphere, it seems that I can feel and smell the happiness in the air as well!

    I have one question though: in the first picture, it looks like that you included milk chocolate and white chocolate? Is it for the sweetness in the truffles without adding sugar? I think I'll do the same because not everyone loves dark chocolate and most Canadians have really sweet teeth, haha.

    Thank you again for the recipe, I'll "report" how my truffles go next week. :)

    D from Canada

    1. Dear D,

      Thank you so much for subscribing my blog, it's very heartfelt to hear from someone who values my work.

      This is a great little gift to give to friends and family, and is so easy to prepare.

      I put the milk and white chocolate there intended to use as some of the coatings for the truffles, but as it turned out that I had a little visitor, I didn't want to give her too much pressure having to melt down the two types of chocolates if she's going to do it at home, so I didn't use them at the end. You can certainly try and experiment with mixing dark and milk chocolates as truffles, but stay away from white, they don't perform well after heat up.

      Good luck and have fun!! Please let me know how you get on ~

  7. Dear Jane,

    So overwhelmed... have not blog in a while!!! It's so nice to see your preparation for Christmas :)

    小安麗... 希望Jane悉心傳授的松露巧克力能ㄧ點ㄧ滴讓她找回幸福的感覺.

    1. Dear Miss LK,

      My dear friend, been thinking of you a lot ... wanted so much to give you hugs, cakes, tea and anything else that could help to bring some comfort to you ...

      小安麗很 tough, she's a little fighter like you (and in many ways). Hope she finds a way to understand her parents' decision and will eventually be able to rebuild the love and trust they once have.

  8. 好有過節的感覺


    1. Dear 蘋果米,

      我是不是太瘋了, 現在才十月!
      但天黑得太早, 要弄點氣氛來加添溫暖的感覺.

      父母離異, 孩子受影響最深 ...
      身邊的親人朋友老師等, 如給予適當的支持鼓勵, 加上父母對孩子不息的愛和彼此諒解, 也有雨過天晴的未來.

  9. Warm and touching, great photos and text

    1. Dear WU Betty,

      Thank you so much for your lovely message :)!!

  10. I have Christmas feeling when looking at your pictures even Christmas still have 2 months to economical to prepare chocolate truffles at home.

  11. Dear Sonia,

    I hope you don't think I'm too crazy!!
    Yes, it certainly is more economical and is a lot healthier too to make your own chocolate truffles at home.

  12. 好漂亮又好溫馨.而且巧克力做法真的不難呢!從來沒自己做過巧克力,這下子總算明白做法了!:D


    1. Dear fish,


      Fish 你也有著真摯誠懇和溫暖的性格啊, 很懷念你的文章和想念著你的近況呢!!

  13. 嘩~嘩~嘩~ 驚喜一浪接一浪! 很美的環境. 而且美食當前, 怎捨得離開! (我最愛聖誕~)

    1. Dear 艾尼,

      你好!! 最喜歡與大家分享聖誕節的氣氛與溫馨 ~ 真高興你明白我的心情 !! ~

  14. Dear Anonoymous,

    Not at all, you're very welcome :)
