Friday 6 July 2012

蜜醬烤肉伴涼麵 Honey Sauce Roasted Pork with Ramen



Rain, is like an unexpected visitor, it comes without any warnings.

Near noon the other day, the clothes were still pegged on the washing line, when the dark clouds moved in, and sure enough along came the down pour.

After the sudden shower, however the air is a lot cooler and feels more refreshing. 



We seem to have a love - hate relationship with the July rain; as there are only 2 months of scorching hot sun in a year, the heat can dry up the dampness stored in our body and minds from the winter months.


When it was time to cook, the room temperature had dropped quite a lot, and even with a light cardigan,  it still felt rather chilly.  I decided to make a broth, and cook some noodles, in the hope that it would warm us up a little.


There was a fillet of pork in the fridge, which I had cut and saved from a  big piece of pork collar meat the other day. I made a homemade honey roast sauce as a quick marinade to roast the pork, then sliced up and served with the noodles,  as well as the big pot of hot broth which is being kept warm on the table. 


  • 豬頸肉 1 條約 500g
  • 海鮮醬 1 湯匙
  • 磨豉醬 1 湯匙
  • 蜜糖 2 湯匙
  • 砂糖 2 茶匙
  • 鹽 2 茶匙
  • 蒜頭 2 粒剁蓉
  • 麻油 1 湯匙
  • 白胡椒粉 1 茶匙
  • 老抽 (醬油) 1 湯匙  
Honey Sauce Roasted Pork

  • A fillet of pork taken from a piece of pork collar about 500g
  • 1 tablespoon Hoi sin sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Yellow bean sauce 
  • 2 tablespoons runny honey
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 2 garlic cloves, peel and finely minced
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon white pepper
  • 1 tablespoon dark soy sauce

  1. 把所有醃料大碗中拌勻,豬頸肉放入翻轉至完全塗沒,蓋著或放冰箱內醃 30 分鐘以上。
  2. 預熱焗爐至 220C / 425F / Gas 7。
  3. 烤盤上鋪錫紙,醃過的豬柳在醬汁中再翻轉數次,取出放烤盤上,置焗爐中烤約 30 分鐘。期間每 10 分鐘反轉一次,塗上一層大碗內剩下的醬汁。
  4. 取出靜置 10 分鐘後才切片上桌。
  1. Put all the marinade ingredients in a large bowl, place the pork fillet inside and toss well to coat, cover or put in the fridge and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 220C / 425F / Gas7.
  3. Cover the roasting tray with foil, turn the pork a few times then put it on the tray, place in oven and roast for approximately 30 minutes. Turn it round and brush with the remaining sauce from the bowl every 10 minutes.
  4. Leave to rest for 10 minutes, then slice thinly to serve.  


Eating a hot bowl of noodle soup on a cold grey day, while watching the rain fall,  feels especially warm and comforting.


  1. Hi Jane,

    another great article! thanks
    so tempting to make this for our saturday dinner!

    i also like to make my own bbq pork with self mix-match marinate, so i am going to try out yours...

    just want to share with my little trick to roast the pork filet, when i was working in a hotel in toronto, my chef put the marinated pork filet in a long skewer and hang in a bar inside the oven, so the filet cook evenly on every part. at home, i lined my long shape cake mould with tin-foil, pork filet on bamboo skewer, so they don't sit on the tray and i don't need to turn the filet while cooking.

    1. Dear Catlux,

      First of all, thank you so much for your great tips and suggestion. May be I should have done it that way, but on days when I just content with not doing too much, that's how I cook the meat :)
      If I was doing a BBQ pork 义燒,I actually have a big 'S' shape hook that I could hook it onto one end of the pork fillet and hang it on the rail inside the oven, let the other end just touch the foil lined tray to catch any drips. In between the roasting time, I brush it with more honey to acheive a glossier appearance and lovely sweeter taste. Your method is great and useful too if you don't have a hook :)

      Hope you have a great weekend, and have a lot of fun cooking for your family ~~

  2. 海島型氣候造就陰冷多雨的天氣

    1. Dear 小咪,

      我卻覺得好天起來,比任何地方更好,沒有陽光那些時候,有說不出的詩情畫意 :) ~~

  3. Hi Jane :)
    I hate the rain with a PASSION! I wish it didn't have to ever RAIN LOL

    Ohhhh this looks roasted pork looks lovely especially with noodles ~ I'm much more of a rice person than a noodle person hehe will pass it on to Mr Bao ~ he's the cook lol I'm the baker :D

    1. Dear Daisy,

      Although I don't mind the rain that much, but I know there are some people really dislike it, and can even be affected by it, I hope you're not the latter type :)

      It's very good for you two to have established a different role in your home cooking situations, so you'll never be missing a main course or a dessert when you both join force together :D

  4. I am drooling over your site!

    1. Dear Love2dine,

      Thank you so much, I feel the same whenever I visit yours :) ~~

  5. I love how you always set your table so nicely. :) Your Char Siew looks delectable! It's been raining a lot here in KL too but most welcome because I could do with slightly cooler weather.

    1. Dear Kelly,

      Thank you ~ I have been so busy lately with both of our children coming home after their graduations, and helping them to find accommodation again took up most of my free time (not complaining as I really missed them). Sorry if my reply wasn't done promptly, but I have been reading your exciting posts and delicious recipes :)
      We haven't had a proper summer so far this year, but I prefer cooler weather too so don't have a problem with it as well. I love setting tables, I find it very therapeutic :) ~~

  6. Dear Jane

    新BANNER好清新既感覺呀, 挪威中部也下著雨,我望望BANNER, 望望外面既雨,突然覺得英國和挪威的距離好近呀!:)))


    1. Dear June,

      版面轉換一下,的確增加了新鮮感!我以後都會不時替它更新的了 :)


  7. Dear Jane,

    來了挪威4年肥了20kg, 真的要減肥呢!多謝jane的關心!健康是沒有大問題⋯要是妳會來挪威中部Trondheim玩,請要告知我呀,我不要錯失可以見到妳的機會!hehe!:)
