Sunday 18 August 2013

馬來西亞冷當咖哩羊肉 Malaysian Lamb Rendang


Malaysian Rendang curry is one of my favoutire curries.



I've had so many different versions of this amazing dish and watched plenty of celebrity chefs adding their own twists to it; in this I was so encouraged by everybody's remarks of, " Don't be afraid to replace or substitute one ingredient for another if you can't manage to find  all that on the recipe."

And it's so true. Rendang is a curry tradtionally prepared by Indonesian and Malaysian communities during festive occasions such as weddings and ceremonies. Since no two families cooked Rendang the same way, so long as you understand the way it should be cooked, and have most of the spices needed to put together for this dish; you can just go ahead enjoy the fun of cooking as well as eating it .


The original Rendang takes hours to cook. It is considered a " dry "curry, which means the sauce is simmered down to a minimum. Because it is so reduced, the sauce sticks to the meat, making Rendang one of the most flavourful dish you would ever taste.

我以前已經煮過雞和牛,今次便决定做羊肉,結果非常滿意。只需 1 小時 15 分鐘左右便可以把整煲羊肉燜得軟綿。

I've cooked it with chicken and beef before, so this time I wanted to try cooking it with lamb. The result is most satifying. The time it needed to cook the lamb until its tender only took about an hour and 15 minutes.

上次我在烹煮的中段時間加進了些馬玲薯作為有助把汁濃化收乾,今次我用地瓜 ( 蕃薯 / 紅薯 ) 代替,我老公愛吃得很!他說那地瓜的甜美味道和軟滑的口感把這道粗礦而香辣的羊肉咖喱襯托得恰到好處。

I added potatoes half way through the cooking previously as a natural thickener to the curry. This time I tried using red potatoes instead, my husband loved it! He said the sweet taste and the smooth texture of the red potatoes compliments the rugged appearance and the spicy flavour of this lamb curry so much.

( 3 - 4 人份)

  • 無骨羊腿排 6 塊,900g。割去脂肪切大方塊,磨上少許海鹽黑椒拌勻備用
  • 桂皮枝約 3 吋長 1 枝
  • 泰國青檸葉 Kaffir lime leaves 5-6 塊
  • 有機菜精粒 Organic vegetable stock cube 根據包裝指示開 300 ml 的上湯
  • 椰奶 200 ml ( 也可以不用上湯,全用 500 ml 椰奶代替,會更香濃 )
  • 椰糖或深色黄糖 1 湯匙
  • 魚露 2 湯匙
  • 蝦醬 1 茶匙
  • 紅薯或馬玲薯 350g
  • 鹽調味適量
  • 椰絲 2 湯匙用白 (乾) 鍋烘香
  • 小西洋菜葉伴碟
  • 青檸葉或九層塔、莞茜和紅辣椒絲等作裝飾
  • 香菜籽粉  ground coriander seeds 1 湯匙
  • 小枚香籽粉 ground cumin seeds 1 湯匙
  • 辣椒粉 chilli powder 1 茶匙 
  • 黃薑粉 ground turmeric 1 茶匙 
  • 大號洋葱 2 隻或中號洋葱 4 隻,去皮切角
  • 薑 5 cm 大小 2 塊去皮切角
  • 蒜頭 5 粒去皮
  • 香茅 1 枝底部拍扁切段
  • 紅辣椒 3 隻 ( 隨個人口味而定) 去籽切絲,留下少許作裝飾用
  • 高良薑 ( 新鮮南薑 ) Galangal 指頭大小 1 塊去皮切開

Malaysian Lamb Rendang
( serves 3-4 )

  • 6 leg of lamb steaks about 900g, all visible fat removed, cut into bite-size pieces, seasoned with salt and black pepper and put aside
  • 1 cinnomaon stick about 3" 
  • 5-6 fresh or dried kaffir lime leaves
  • use Organic vegetable stock cube to make up 300 ml stock
  • 200 ml coconut milk ( you can use total 500 ml coconut milk to replace the stock )
  • 1 tbsp dark brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tsp shrimp paste
  • 350g red potatoes or potatoes
  • 2 tbsp desiccated coconut, dry toasted on a non-stick pan over low heat
  • salt to season
  • baby spinach leaves
  • basil, coriander and red chilli to decorate
Curry paste:
  • 1 tbsp ground coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp ground cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp chilli powder
  • 1tsp ground turmeric
  • 2 large or 4 medium size onions, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 2 x 5cm pieces root ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 5 garlic clove, peeled
  • 1 lemon grass stalk, lightly bruised and roughly chopped
  • 3 red chilli, deseeded and sliced, plus extra to garnish
  • 1 thumb size piece Galangal, peeled and roughly chopped


1. 把材料中的咖哩醬 b.) 全部放進攪拌器內打成醬狀,與材料中的咖哩醬 a. ) 拌勻成咖哩醬


1. Place the ingredients b.) from curry paste in a food processor and blend to a paste, mix well with the ingredients a.) from curry paste and become a curry paste

2. 用中火燒紅鍋,下油 2 湯匙,加進桂皮枝和青檸葉,兜炒一會,下咖哩醬一起翻炒數分鐘。加入羊肉,一起翻炒 2-3 分鐘。下蝦醬與魚露拌勻,倒進上湯和椰奶煮滾。

2. Heat oil in pan over a medium heat, add the cinnamon stick and the lime leaves and fry for 30 seconds. Add the curry paste and fry for a few minutes. mix in the shrimp paste and fish sauce, add the stock and coconut milk and bring to the boil.

3. 下糖和椰絲拌勻,轉小火,上蓋煮 1 小時 15 分鐘。中段時間打開加進馬玲薯或紅薯,大火煮滾後轉回小火,繼續煮至軟綿,紅薯與咖喱汁混合搓糊成稀稠合度。

4. 試味看是否需要下鹽或加糖,把咖哩羊肉盛進碗中,加上裝飾。伴以泰國香米飯 / 印度米飯和青菜上桌。

3.  Add the sugar and the desiccated coconut, turn the heat right down, cover and cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Half way through add the red potatoes / potatoes, cover and bring back to the boil; turn the heat down to low again. Continue to cook until the potatoes become soft, mash it up to mix with the curry to thicken the sauce.

4. Check the seasoning, ladle the  Lamb Rendang into bowls, top with the garnish.  Serve this with Thai fragrant steamed rice or Basmati steamed rice, and green vegetables of your choice.


If you like your curry with an abundance of flavour, you'll love Rendang! The use of wide variety of spices also makes this an extremely healthy dish.


  1. Hi Jane
    You have a beautiful and interesting food blog here. You bet, I am your follower now. Lamb is one of my favourite meat though not regularly consuming but would love to give this a try....who doesnt as a Malaysian, rendang is our favourite.

    1. Hi Mel,

      Thank you for your nice compliment and for following my blog.
      I'm sure you could cook a better rendang than me, since it's your own country's traditional dish. Can't wait to see your version of this lovely curry!

  2. 咖喱好吃的地方应该在于杂七杂八的香料一大堆,这也是我爱的一道菜。

    1. Dear Little blue,


  3. 看看材料,一点都不马虎哦,

    1. Dear Aunty Young,

      隨時都可以煮一大鍋來享用 :)

  4. Rendang最特别的地方就是越炒越香,越煮越好吃。

    1. Dear ccm,


  5. Yum!! Rendang is the best curry around :D I have only ever made beef version, I guess my next one is to try the chicken one. The best thing is they get tastier everyday!

    1. Dear Kelly,

      Totally agree!! If you have the time, there's noting better than to make a big pot of beef rendang and keep it in the fridge when cooled; and eat it over the next few days, so delicious!!
