Thursday 7 April 2022

素聚寶巢 Vegan Treasure Nest

Vegan Treasure Nest — Chinese New Year Good Luck Gourmet



[ 素聚寶巢 ]!其實相信任何家庭的過年飯桌上,都會歡迎這道讓我們眼睛和肚子都得到滿足的美味菜餚!

Throughout the 16 day Chinese New Year festival period, it is traditional to eat meals and snacks which symbolise the good fortune we hope for in the year ahead. These lucky foods are particularly celebrated during the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, the most important family meal of the year.

Here I would like to share with you some of the traditional favourite dishes which I have re-created with fresh plant based ingredients, so that everyone is able to enjoy the delicious tastes of the New Years celebrations with family and friends, even if they are vegan!

I have prepared a dish that is both easy to do and absolutely stunning, and will be appealed to both adults and children alike. In fact, I believe that any family's Chinese New Year’s dinner table will welcome this gorgeous dish that can satisfy both our eyes and our tummy!

要觀看完整做法,請參觀我們的 YouTube 頻道。

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Hope you enjoy watching the video, and if you kindly subscribe to our channel, like and comment on the video will be truly appreciated. Many thanks in advance for your support! 

(For the English recipe, please scroll down)



馬鈴薯 500g

1 小匙

白胡椒粉 1 小匙

玉米粉 2 大匙


紅蘿蔔 100g

西蘭花 200g

雞脾菇 150g

紅燈籠椒 1/2

小玉米 100g

鲜香菇 125g


芡茜 (香菜)隨意



1/2 小匙

白胡椒粉 1/2 小匙

香菇調味粉 1/2 小匙

1/2 小匙

生抽 1 小匙

素蠔油 1 大匙

麻油 1 大匙

绍興酒 1 大匙


將玉米粉 2 小匙加水 2 小匙混合而成

2 公升植物油,用於油炸。


  1. 首先將馬鈴薯切成兩半以便切片,將它們平放並儘可能切成薄片再切成幼絲以便於煎炸。將切好的馬鈴薯放進一大碗冷水中,沖洗乾淨以去除多餘的澱粉。這將有助於馬鈴薯片油炸後變脆。
  2. 把馬鈴薯擠出多餘的水,然後將它們放入一個大碗中。加入鹽、白胡椒和玉米粉,攪拌均勻。
  3. 將植物油倒入炒鍋中大火加熱,讓溫度達到 170°C 左右,如果你加入木筷子,油會在大約 5 秒內開始冒泡。
  4. 你需要用兩個過濾網來炸和把巢定型。將兩個濾網都浸入油中以潤滑並防止馬鈴薯在油炸過程中粘連。將一個過濾網放在大碗上,然後將馬鈴薯均勻地排列在過濾器的側面和底部,形成一個巢狀。記著不要把你的巢建得比你炸鍋中的油高。然後將另一個過濾器放在上面按下定型。
  5. 油準備好後,加入過濾網並炸至馬鈴薯金黃酥脆,這可能需要 7-10 分鐘。油炸 分鐘後,輕輕嘗試取起頂部過濾網,如果有馬鈴薯粘在過濾網外,您可能需要使用筷子或鍋鏟來幫忙。一旦馬鈴薯巢呈金黃色,將其從鍋中取出並戴上一次性手套,將馬鈴薯巢從底部過濾器中取出並放在盤子上,小心不要破壞巢子,現在可以用來盛放你最喜歡的炒菜了。
  6. 接下來,把所有的蔬菜和蘑菇切成一口大小的塊。把甜豆頂部和硬邊摘下。將薑片切成細絲,然後切細丁。
  7. 在一小鍋水中加入少許鹽和油,煮沸。將水保持在沸點,加入紅蘿蔔焯 30 秒,然後加入玉米和甜豆,再焯 30 秒。最後,加入西蘭花,然後在高溫下將所有蔬菜一起焯水 30 秒,然後將它們全部提起,放入一個大篩子中瀝乾。
  8. 將小炒菜醬汁的材料在小碗中混合,備用。
  9. 在一個大煎鍋中用中高溫加熱一些油,加入薑粒炒一會兒。然後加入杏鮑菇,接下來,加入紅辣椒、香菇,翻炒至略成金黄,將燙過的蔬菜放入鍋中同炒片刻,然後倒入小炒醬汁,把所有蔬菜一起快速兜炒一會,然後在關火之前淋上一點玉米澱粉漿以使醬汁變稠。
  10. 將煮得漂亮、晶瑩剔透的蔬菜寶物輕輕地堆在馬鈴薯聚寶巢裡,上桌。


For the vegan treasure nest :

500g potatoes 

1 tsp salt

1 tsp ground white pepper

2 tbsp cornflour

For the treasures :

100g carrots

200g broccoli 

150g king oyster mushrooms

1/2 red bell pepper

100g baby corn

100g sugar snap peas

125g fresh shiitake mushrooms

4 thin slices of ginger

Coriander to garnish the dish

Baby spinach or shredded lettuce to garnish the plate

Stir-fry sauce:

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp ground white pepper

1/2 tsp natural mushroom seasoning

1/2 tsp sugar

1 tsp light soy sauce

1 tbsp vegan oyster sauce

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp cooking wine

Corn-starch slurry:

Mix 2 tsp cornflour and 2 tsp water together to make a slurry 

2 litres vegetable oil, for deep frying


1. Cut potatoes into halves first for easy slicing, lay them flat side down and slice as thinly as possible for easy frying, or use a mandolin with a julienne attachment if you have one. Place the sliced potatoes into a large bowl of cold water and rinse to remove excess starch. This will help the potatoes to become crispy once fried.

2. Squeeze out excess water from the potatoes then put them into a large bowl. Add the salt, white pepper and cornflour, tossing well to combine.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a wok and heat on high, allowing the temperature to reach around 170°C. To test this, dip a wooden chopstick into the oil and if small bubbles begin to form on the chopstick after around 5 seconds, your oil is hot enough to fry.

4. You will need two strainers to contain your nest whilst it is frying. Dip both of the strainers into the oil to lubricate and prevent your potatoes from sticking during frying. Place one strainer over a large bowl and then arrange your potato evenly around the sides and base of the strainer to create a nest. Make sure not to build your nest higher than your pan of oil. Then place the other strainer on top to contain the nest.

5. When the oil is ready, add strainers and fry until potatoes are golden and crispy, this might take between 7 – 10 minutes. After 5 minutes, gently remove the top strainer, you may need to use a chopstick or spatula to help if any potato is stuck on the outside of the strainer. Once the potato nest is golden brown, lift it from the frying pan and put on disposable gloves to remove the nest from the bottom strainer and place onto a plate, being careful that the nest doesnt break. The nest is now ready to use to serve your favourite stir fry in.

6. Next, chop all of the vegetables and mushrooms into bite size pieces. Remove the tops and hard edges from the sugar snaps. Cut ginger slices into thin strips then finely dice.

7. Add a little salt and oil to a small pan of water and bring it to the boil. Keep the water at boiling point and add the carrots to blanch for 30 seconds, then add the baby corn and the sugar snaps, blanching for another 30 seconds. Lastly, add the broccoli and blanch all vegetables together on high heat for a further 30 seconds before lifting them all up to drain in a large sieve.

8. Assemble your stir fry sauce by combining, salt and pepper, mushroom seasoning, sugar, soy sauce, vegan oyster sauce, sesame oil and cooking wine in the quantities listed above.

9. Heat some oil in a large frying pan on a medium high heat before adding in ginger to fry for a short while. Then, add in the king oyster mushrooms. Next, add the red pepper, shiitake mushroom and allow to stir fry until everything is nicely browned. Add the blanched vegetables to the pan for a short while, before pouring in the stir fry sauce. Quickly cook everything through then drizzle over a little of the corn starch slurry to thicken the sauce before turning off the heat. 

10. Gently pile the beautifully cooked and glistening vegetable treasure into the potato nest and serve.

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