Thursday 7 April 2022

素紅燒肉 Vegan No Pork Belly


素紅燒肉 Vegan No Pork Belly


This vegan glazed No Pork Bellyaccompanied by a delicious dipping sauce is a wonderful addition to any dinner table at any time; especially during Chinese New Year celebration. It is a dish that comes together surprisingly quickly and simply, be sure to impress your guests with its appearance as well as the taste and texture.

(For the English recipe please scroll down)


硬豆腐 1 盒(約400g

木薯澱粉 200g


白胡椒粉 1茶匙
五香粉 1茶匙

沙薑粉 1茶匙(可用洋蔥粉或大蒜粉代替)

天然蘑菇調味料 1/2茶匙(可用有機蔬菜調味料代替)


200 ml

純素北京烤鴨醬 2 湯匙刷在“皮我用李錦記牌子,因為它適合純素者


1湯匙味醂 (可用米酒代替)

生抽 1 湯匙

老抽 1 湯匙

楓糖漿 1 湯匙

芝麻油 1湯匙



蘸醬 :

素食北京烤鴨醬 2湯匙

1 湯匙

用小火加熱至沸騰,熄火,加入 1 茶匙芝麻油拌勻,盛入小碟中。


  1. 在一個大的攪拌碗中,加入所有乾燥的材料,輕輕攪拌均勻。將水加入麵粉混合物中製成麵糊,留下少許水待最後才加入。一開始時麵糊可能很難混合在一起,繼續攪拌直到變成光滑,然後加入剩餘的水,如果仍然覺得太稠,你可以再加一至兩湯匙水。一旦你可以用抹刀容易地攪拌麵糊並且感覺阻力很小,麵糊就準備好了。
  2. 將豆腐約略沖洗,輕輕用乾淨的廚房毛巾包起來把水份按乾。將豆腐切開成相等大小的兩塊,你可以只用其中一塊做這道菜,另一塊留給其他食譜。取一個和豆腐差不多大小的小容器,先刷一層油,才墊上烘焙紙,讓烘焙紙與容器緊密貼合,在烘焙紙上也刷一些油,防止豆腐黏著。
  3. 將豆腐切成 4 等份長條,在容器上平均排開,每條中留下小空隙如視頻所示。中央部份留一個更寬的間隙,以便在煮熟後切開並分成兩部分。
  4. 將剛攪拌好的麵糊舀在豆腐上,確保所有地方都完全蓋住,直到豆腐頂部。靜置 15 分鐘以凝固一點。然後,用箔紙輕輕蓋住盤子,小心不要移動麵糊中的豆腐。
  5. 把蒸鍋裡的水燒開,把容器放進去,蓋上蓋子,用中火蒸30分鐘。
  6. 取出容器,讓其冷卻15分鐘。在乾淨的砧板上刷一些油,小心地將容器翻過來,輕輕地取出豆腐“五花肉。讓它繼續變硬15分鐘,然後再剝去烘焙紙。有些紙可能會黏著,只需用小刀將它們分開即可。
  7. 將一把非常鋒利的刀兩面刷上少許油,將豆腐腩肉從中間切成兩半,分成兩份(請觀看視頻)。接下來,在每塊“皮面上刷一些北京烤鴨醬。鍋中加入 1 湯匙油,中火加熱,用鉗子夾住豆腐腩肉,把刷了醬的部分煎至微黃,然後放在案板上,繼續煎另一塊。
  8. 將每塊豆腐腩肉平均切成 6 段。把鍋抹乾淨,重新加熱,再加入 2 湯匙油,加入豆腐腩肉棒。撒上少許鹽和黑胡椒粉,把每面煎至略呈棕色。在頭尾再添多少北京烤鴨醬,以增加風味並讓你的菜肴看起來更多汁。
  9. 將煮好的素紅燒肉放在盤子上,用嫩葉西洋菜或芫荽裝飾,淋上粘稠的淋醬,然後伴以蘸醬上桌。

Ingredients :

1 pack (around 400g) Firm tofu

Dry ingredients :

200g tapioca starch

60g glutinous rice flour

1 tsp salt

1 tsp ground white pepper

1 tsp five spice powder

1 tsp sand ginger powder (can be substituted with onion powder or garlic powder)  

1/2 tsp natural mushroom seasoning (can be substituted with organic vegetable seasoning)

Also :

250 ml water

2 tbsp Vegan Peking duck sauce to brush on the rind” — I use Lee Kum Kee brand as it is suitable for Vegans

Glaze sauce :

1 tbsp mirin (can use sweet white wine instead)

1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce

1 tbsp maple syrup

1 tbsp sesame oil

1 tbsp water
Heat everything together in a small pan over medium heat and bring it to a boil, turn down to simmer till the sauce thicken a little, empty in to a bowl to drizzle over the pork” to glaze before serving

Dipping sauce :

2 tbsp Vegan Peking duck sauce  

1 tbsp water,

Heat over low heat till simmer, turn off heat and add 1 teaspoon sesame oil to mix together, empty into a small dish to serve.


  1. In a large mixing bowl, add all the dry ingredients and gently stir well together. Add the water to the flour mix to create a batter, save a little water to add in the end. The batter can be quite difficult to combine together at first, just keep stirring until it gets smoother, then add the remaining water, if it still feels too thick, you can add a tbsp or two more water. but one at a time. Once you can stir through the batter using a spatula relatively easily and feel little resistance, the batter is ready.
  2. Next, rinse the tofu and gently wrap up and pat dry with clean kitchen towel. Slice the tofu into two equal size slabs, you can only use one of the slabs for this dish and save rest of the tofu for other recipes. Take a small container similar size to the tofu, bushing it with some oil first before lining it with baking paper to help the baking paper fit tightly to the container, brush some oil on top of the baking paper too to preventing it from sticking onto the tofu after steaming.
  3. Cut one of the tofu slabs into 4 equal strips, place the strips with space in between them across the container, like the video. Leave a wider gap in the middle for cutting through and to separate into two portions later when cooked.
  4. Ladle your freshly stirred batter over the tofu making sure everywhere is completely cover and up to the top of the tofu. Leave for 15min to set a little. Then, gently cover the dish with foil, make sure not to disturb the tofu in the batter.
  5. Bring the water in your steamer to the boil, place the container inside, cover and steam over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  6. Take the container out and leave it to cool for 15 minutes. Brush some oil on a clean chopping board, carefully turn the container over and gently remove your tofu pork belly. Leave it to continue to firm up for another 15 minutes before peeling the baking paper away. Some parts may get stuck, just use a knife to help separate them.
  7. Brush a very sharp knife with some oil, cut the no pork belly into half from the middle to creating 2 portions (watch the video). Next, brush some Peking duck sauce onto each of the rind” sides. Add 1tbsp oil in pan over medium heat, use a tong to stand the tofu belly and fry it till slightly brown, then put it on the chopping board, continue with the other portion.
  8. Cut each portion into 6 equal size sticks. Wipe the pan clean. Reheat your frying pan and add 2 extra tbsp of oil. Once hot, add your tofu sticks. Grind over some salt and black pepper, pan fry all sides until slightly brown. Top up with extra Peking duck sauce here and there to add more flavour and to give your dish a juicier look.
  9. Place the cooked no pork belly on a plate, garnish with water cress or coriander, drizzle over the sticky glaze then serve with the dipping sauce.

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