Saturday 14 February 2015

情人節快樂 Happy Valentine's Day

從前每逢情人節的早上,我的房門外和廚房飯桌上,總會有兩張情人節卡片等我打 開。 每張下方都是署名「妳祕密的仰慕者」再附上數不清的手繪小 kisses。 

那些年 ...... 真令人懷念 ...... 

What seems to me like a long time ago now, there was a little tradition in our house on Valentine’s Day. On these mornings, there would always be two Valentine’s cards left for me on the kitchen table or outside my bedroom waiting to be opened. 

Inside, the cards would be signed “Your secret admirer”, with lots of little kisses for good measure. 
Those were the days ... I miss them so much. 



When our children started school, right through pre-school until second and third year of primary education, their arts crafts teacher instructed them in making Valentine’s Day cards each year for the person they loved the most. 

Like many other mothers, my heart melted and I felt so flattered when I received these cards, knowing that our children chose to send me their hand-made efforts on this special day. 

Although these moments disappeared as fast as our kids grew up, the memories have always stayed with me and I remember them fondly. 

老公平常並不浪漫,但他知道我在過節時特別掛念不在身邊的兒子和女兒,所以會 準備一束玫瑰送給我,然後將家中已讓我嘮叨了很久要修補的地方動手做好 ; 我便下廚弄頓他喜歡吃的中式或西式套餐,做為獎賞,也是慶祝。 

Now my husband, on the other hand, is not romantic by nature, but he knows I’d normally miss my children on days like this. So he picks some roses from our garden, and finishes the household tasks that I’ve been nagging him to do for ages. Then I’ll cook one of his favourite meals for him as a reward or as part of our little celebration. 




For those who don’t yet have a certain special someone, how would they spend their Valentine’s Day? 

I remember I used to get together with a few friends who were then single like me, we’d cook a big meal and spend the evening sharing the lovely food and enjoying each other’s company. Or else I’d have dinner with my family. If I wanted to be alone, I would make myself something special and enjoy it happily with a good movie or with a book. 

It sounds like no matter who I spent the day with, my Valentine’s Day has always revolved around cooking and food!

Wishing everybody a happy and content Valentine’s Day!


  1. 好漂亮的玫瑰花!!! Jane, 情人节快乐!

    1. Dear Esther,


  2. Happy Valentine and Lunar New Year!
    我瞭解Jane所說的, 每收到兒子愛心卡片... Melting.

    1. Dear Miss LK,

      Thank you very much!
      祝 Miss LK 闔府羊年心想事成,四季平安!!
