Saturday 13 December 2014

佳節套餐 - 主菜 Festive Three Course Dinner - Main Course


I posted the recipe for the starter from this festive dinner yesterday,  let's have a look at how to make the main course - Lemon, garlic and thyme roasted chicken today. 


我替她選擇了烤雞 ,佐以小馬鈴薯,車厘番茄和沙拉。
紅綠金黃的配搭,沒有華麗講究,卻有說不出的親切喜氣 !

( 4 人份 )

材料 :

  • 自由放養的走地雞或粟米雞 1 隻,約 2 kg ( 4.5 lb ) 左右
  • 新鮮的百里香 3 株  ( 或 1 湯匙乾的也可 )
  • 蒜頭 6 粒拍扁
  • 檸檬 半 個
  • 海鹽和鮮磨黑椒適量
  • 橄欖油 1 湯匙
做法 :
  • 預熱烤爐至 220C / 425F / Gas7。用鮮磨海鹽黑椒,半個檸檬的汁和 1 湯匙橄欖油混合後塗沒雞的全身。把 6 粒拍扁了的蒜頭、3 株百里香和那半隻已擠了汁的檸檬塞進雞的內腔去。放進烤盤上,置烤爐內烤 15 分鐘。把雞取出反轉,將温度調至 180C / 350F / Gas4,放回烤 30 分鐘,然後取出反轉。再烤 30 分鐘 ( 前後約 1 小時 15 分鐘 )。取出用尖刀插進厚的脾肉部份,流出來的汁液是清的便是熟了。

Lemon, Garlic and Thyme Roasted chicken
( serves 4 )

  • 1 free-range, or corn-fed chicken, about 2kg (4.5 lb)
  • 3 sprigs fresh Thyme ( or 1 tablespoon dry Thyme )
  • 6 cloves garlic crushed
  • 1/2 lemon
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
Method :
  • Preheat oven to 220C / 425F / Gas7. Season the chicken by spreading it with the mixture of  freshly milled salt and pepper, the half lemon juice and 1 tablespoon olive oil.  Put the 6 crushed garlic, 3 sprigs of Thyme and the squeezed half lemon inside the chicken cavity.  Place the chicken on a roasting dish or tin, cook in the preheated oven for 15 minutes, then take the chicken out to turn it over; lower the temperature to 180C / 350F / Gas4, and cook for 30 minutes.  Turn it over again to cook for another 30 minutes ( altogether 1 hour 15 minutes ).  Check the chicken is cooked through by inserting a sharp knife into the thickest part of the thigh - the juices should run clear.

這兩天我將與大家分享這套餐的甜品 - 熔漿巧克力蛋糕 (心太軟 )

I will share the dessert - Chocolate fondant with fresh raspberries and vanilla ice-cream with you in the next couple of days.


  1. 哇哩咧…有碗;這道菜好好吃喔。有人口水己經滴到門前都要划船才能通行了…好有賣相的聖誕餐點喔! 讚,我把食譜收了下來了喔。謝謝您無私的分享! 謝謝。

    1. Dear 陰雪兒,


  2. 嗨Jane, 你这道食谱太棒了,我也把它列入圣诞大餐里了,谢谢你!Merry Christmas!!!!

    1. Dear Esther,

      Happy New Year! 謝謝妳!祝 2015 年事事如意,健康快樂!!
